November Faculty Senate Meeting James Tomasek, PhD OUHSC Vice President for Research November 16, 2017
IRB In-House Training Program Current Structure All faculty, staff, residents, fellows, and students engaged in human subjects research must attend the half-day in-person IRB In-House Training Program once. Held Tuesday mornings, 8:30-1:00 Scheduling problem for residents, fellows, and students Revised Structure In-House Training will be entirely a web-based system Content will be focused on OUHSC HRPP/IRB specific information In-House Training will need to be done by all faculty, staff, residents, fellows, and students engaged in human subjects research There will be required updated In-House Training - still to be determined is frequency and content of updated training
Information Technology Security Current policies causing issues for researchers Have established a standing Information Technology Research Committee
Information Technology Research Committee Research data must be maintained in a secure environment that is in compliance with state and federal law and contract obligations. Information Technology (IT) Security is responsible for developing policies to maintain research data security that is in compliance with these entities and to assist researchers in complying with these policies. However, it is important that the impact these policies have upon research, including the regulatory obligations placed upon researchers to comply with these policies, be considered and minimized as much as practical. In addition, it is important to have input from researchers and others regarding how these policies may be able to support and enhance the research enterprise. To meet these objectives, it is critical that communication and cooperative interaction occur between IT Security and researchers. To promote and provide for coordination of this interaction, a new committee of researcher representatives, the Information Technology Research Committee (ITRC), is hereby created. The role of the ITRC is to work with IT Security on policies concerning research data security to ensure that any impact upon research, including any regulatory obligations placed upon researchers to comply with these policies, is taken into consideration and minimized as much as practical and to review ways these policies could support and enhance the research enterprise. In addition, the ITRC will bring forward to IT Security specific issues researchers are having with complying with policies so that solutions that resolve, or at least minimize, the impact on the research mission can be achieved.
Information Technology Research Committee Committee Member College Membership Appointment Austin Bernard College of Medicine Ad Hoc Member 1 year appointment (August 2017- July 2018) Kari Boyce, PhD College of Allied Health Member 2 year appointment (October 2017-July 2019) Janis Campbell, PhD College of Public Health Kathleen Dwyer, PhD, RN College of Nursing Willard Freeman, PhD 1 year appointment (August 2017-July 2018) Allison Gillaspy, PhD Sharukh Khajotia, BDS, PhD College of Dentistry W. Michael McShan, PhD College of Pharmacy Ashlee Rempel, MBA OU School of Community Medicine Tulsa Lawrence Rothblum, PhD Chair
Information System and Data Classification Policy Revision of policy Research data that is unpublished and is not regulated or under contractual obligations for protection is no classified as Category C – Confidential No longer requirement that unpublished research data be consolidated into one of the Universities designated enterprise data centers Category A Prohibited Category B Restricted Category C Confidential Category D Public Human Participant Research Data (Includes any of the following:) Participant Name Street Address City County First 3 of Zip Code Telephone Number Email Address Social Security Number Medical Record Number Health Plan Beneficiary Number Account Numbers Certificate/License Numbers Vehicle Identifiers, serial numbers, including license plate numbers Study device identifiers and serial numbers Web URLs associated with participant IP Addresses associated with participant Biometric identifiers, including fingerprints and voiceprints Full face photographic images and other comparable images Any other unique identifying numbers, characteristics, or codes Restricted Animal Data (Veterinary records, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Records) Unpublished Research Data (including animal research data) Published Research Data (Authorized by Funding Agency as Public) Information Security Risk Assessment Policy
Ethics in Research Policy Revised Ethics in Research Policy Approved at the October 2017 OU Regents Meeting Should be posted soon Research Integrity Officer Revised Ethics in Research Policy has Research Integrity Officer Appointed by and reports directly to the Vice President for Research Primary responsibility of overseeing OUHSC Ethics in Research Policy and implementing procedures associated with this policy, as well as inquiries and investigations New RIO starting December 11 – Michelle Staudt, PhD
HSC Research Strategic Plan: 2015-2020 1. Provide an environment that advances excellence in discovery, creativity, and technology development 2. Advance team-based research 3. Accelerate translational research 4. Expand research in thematic areas a. Cancer/Tobacco Use and Prevention b. Diabetes/Metabolic, Vascular Disease c. Vision/Neuroscience d. Geroscience e. Immunology/Infectious Diseases