Calculator methods [N4.2 Support Plenary] Select from +,−, ÷, and using a each card just once, place in the red boxes: For example: Try to find and arrange the cards to give… a) an answer which is a whole number, b) an answer which is not a recurring decimal, c) the smallest answer, d) the largest answer. Preamble This activity gives practice in basic number appreciation, orders of operation and use of a calculator (in reality there is a mental arithmetic approach in so far as some of the calculations are more conveniently carried out mentally). Other answers could be set as targets, such as the answer closest to 100, or a negative number, and would make a good homework task. Possible content Efficient use of calculator, elements of mental arithmetic, orders of operations and working systematically. Resources Calculators. Solution/Notes Here are some solutions , there may be others. a) b) c) d) Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010 Original Material © Cambridge University Press 2010