Parental Engagement
Objectives for session Colleagues will understand: why parental engagement is so important parent’s attitude to phonics how to get parents involved feedback from parents how to reach out to particular parents
‘Parental engagement has a large and positive impact on children’s learning.’ (Review of best practice in parental engagement, DfE 2010)
Why parental engagement is important Children whose parents who are involved are: often more engaged in learning have a higher self-esteem more motivated more positive about their attitude towards school more likely to get better results
Why parental engagement is important Parents who are involved in their childs’ education: have a better understanding of current educational policies have a better understanding of the curriculum feel more equipped to support at home have an understanding of the role of the teacher and the school setting
Why parental engagement is important How educators benefit from parental engagement: establish a good communication and trust between all parties gain an understanding and knowledge of family culture and background better community support
Parent’s attitudes towards phonics Mixed can be supportive (but teaching their children misconceptions) can be sceptical can feel embarrassed that they don’t understand it want to know more about phonics it is something their children do at school are all knowledgeable (but not really)
Ways to get parents engaged and onboard
Workshops Over a six week period (30 minute sessions) Based on what the children are about to learn Comfortable environment (if possible) Hands-on Videos of lessons or children learning Resources, refreshments and creche provided Led by SLE?
Workshops A one-off workshop delivered by the class teacher before each phase or beginning of each term (offering two different times) based on what the children are about to learn Hands-on Videos of lessons or children learning Resources, refreshment and creche provided
Stay and Play sessions First session of the day (6 times a year) 30 minutes of parents playing phonics games with their children Creche for siblings Sneak in a short phonics session beforehand Activities linked Games to take home and be circulated
Parent Portals Phonemes being learnt that week Key words Recordings of the children saying the phonemes and how they segment and blend words correctly Share children’s achievements Offer ideas to support
Phonics lessons Parents visiting different classes to see a phonics lesson Children to be phonics ambassadors Free resources if attending
Parent Questionnaires School context: set in a large village 189 pupil intake a combination of single or mixed ages classes a range of different families from professional to parents of disadvantaged learners
Parent Feedback Key trends: Majority of parents feel that their understanding of phonics is satisfactory or needs improving Majority of parents would like to attend a one off phonics workshop (instead to a series of workshops) The time of day is more important than a creche Parents want free resources and a book list After drop off was the most popular time Most wanted a presentation and hands on workshop Most parents would like to be part of phonics lesson with their child
Parent Feedback Parents phonics knowledge Ability to sound out phonemes – some of them Understanding of phonics phases – some idea Games to support at home – some idea Confident to support with phonetically decodable books – not always Understand the Phonics screener – not sure
Parents who are difficult to engage There may be a range of reasons that parents don’t want to or can’t engage with school. Own negative experience of school Are not part of the parents community outside of school Logistics Work schedule Feel that the school is their child’s only educator Home life Unmotivated Mental Health
Small changes: Ensure that staff feel confident in engaging parents Neutral locations for workshops such as community centre Communicate regularly 1:1 Offer (where possible) opportunities to work in a small group environment with a teaching assistant
Getting parents engaged Ideas from SLEs
Tips and hints Make events such as phonics workshops compulsory provide 2 dates for parents to sign up to and keep a record of it Regular face to face contact especially less engaged parents Provide online links e.g. Mr Thorne does phonics
Tips and hints Next steps stickers in reading records Reading/teaching assistant to read with their child and model effective strategies to the parent Questions in front of reading records Opportunities for parents to see teaching in action and then discuss what they have seen and how they can support
Tips and hints Whole school Phonics afternoon Offer a £5 voucher linked to a supermarket Term open morning Social media