CALIFORNIA POLITICS: THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF CAMPAIGNS Professor Nathan Fletcher February 14, 2013
Why are you running?
Types of Campaigns Local County State (district) Statewide Federal
Vote Goals/Targeting How many votes do you need to win? Specific number Targeting those voters Campaign Plan and Budget
Fundraising How to do it? Self funding candidates Role of Independent Expenditures Role of Political Parties
Getting your votes Earned media Paid Media Internet/social media Ground game/GOTV/volunteers
Nuts and Bolts: Earned Media Newspapers Television Radio Bloggers Social Media Pros/Cons
Nuts and Bolts: Media Markets
Nuts and Bolts: Paid Media Television Ads Signs/Billboards Direct Mail Radio Internet
Nuts and Bolts: Field Operations/GOTV Where do volunteers come from? People who volunteer for candidate People who volunteer against opponent People who volunteer for party People who volunteer for organization What do they do? Identify/Persuade Supporters Turn them out to vote
Nuts and Bolts: Field Operations/GOTV How do they do it? Phone calls Walk precincts Other things that are nice but get very few votes When do they do it? Build up to election day 72 hour task force
Nuts and Bolts: Walking Door to Door Precincts in Del Mar You can walk about one precinct in one day Calling is quicker, but less effective Harder and harder to get people to open their door or answer their phone
Things to know Very tough, difficult process A lot out of your control Top of the ticket Turnout If at first you don’t succeed… What not to do…
Discussion Questions Should all campaigns be non-partisan? Should we have public financing of elections?