Job satisfaction and the current job market for hospital based doctors in the UK Dr Celia Gregson Specialist Registrar in Elderly and Internal Medicine Frenchay Hospital, Bristol
The Current Job Market
2005 Consultants and GP Numbers in the UK GPs – 35,944 Consultants – 31,427
2005 UK Consultants - Medicine
2005 UK Consultants - Surgery
2005 UK Consultants - Others
Consultant Vacancies Survey, March 2006
Sept 2005: Numbers of Doctors in all grades in UK
NHS; The Information Centre collections/workforce collections/workforce Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Postal questionnaire 4221 Drs, qualified in 1999 Surveyed towards end of first year 2727 respondents, of whom 1326 codable
65.2% did not definitely intend to practise medicine in the UK
Considering leaving the UK
Considering leaving Medicine
Reasons: UK working conditions Poor working conditions Poor state of NHS Poor working environment Better pay Shorter working hours Lack of respect / appreciation Demoralised Taxes
Reasons: Lifestyle choices Better QOL Better standard of living Outdoor life Experiencing other countries and cultures Change of scene Travel & Adventure Desire to help developing world Family & Friends abroad Better weather
The Numbers Now? Presently >30,000 Drs have applied for 20,000 training posts through MTAS Up to 11,400 of these Drs may have qualified outside of EEA (may be working in UK) 7700 SHOs & 3700 Staff Grades Immigration rules….
Medical school expansions… of applicants are F2 applying for ST1 – result of medical school expansion Last 6 years – yearly medical graduates increased from < 4000 to 6000 a year in UK
Who is applying for the training posts across the UK? Doctors in F2 posts: 6000 SHOs in England: SHOs in Scotland, Wales, and NI: 4000 Doctors in staff grade posts in UK (out of a total of >6000): Not known Doctors working outside the European Economic Area (EEA): 2000 Doctors currently working inside the EEA (but outside UK): Not known Total: >30 200
Number of available training posts? BMA: DoH:
To Conclude…..