What’s so special about water? Seawater Why is the ocean salty?
Hydrogen bonds Relatively weak electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ends of adjacent water molecules The dipolar structure of the water molecule and the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules are responsible for many of the unique properties of water. p. 108-109
Properties of Water water has high surface tension due to H bonds (e.g., rain drops) water is a good solvent dipolar structure weakens attraction between other molecules (e.g., NaCl: Na+ and Cl-) p. 108
Salinity Why is seawater salty? What are “salts”? Where does the salt come from?
Seawater Salinity: the Salt of the Ocean There are many substances dissolved in seawater: 1. gases such as O2 and CO2, 2. nutrients required by organisms such as nitrates, phosphates, trace elements, & vitamins, 3. organic molecules, and 4. mineral salts such as Cl-, Na+, SO42-, Mg2+ Salinity = total dissolved solids p. 114
Seawater Salinity: the Salt of the Ocean many of the dissolved substances occur in ionic form cations = positively charged ions anions = negatively charged ions almost all 92 naturally occurring chemical elements are found in seawater (incl. gold) however, 6 ions account for 99.4% the two most common ions in seawater: chloride (Cl-): 55.1% by weight sodium (Na+): 30.6% together: NaCl = common table salt p. 114
Seawater Salinity: the Salt of the Ocean average seawater is 96.5% H2O and 3.5% total dissolved solids fresh water is essentially 100% H2O with only traces of dissolved solids mass of “salts” in seawater: 3.5 grams of salt in 100 g of seawater = 3.5% salt (parts per hundred) = 35.0‰ (parts per thousand) = 35,000 ppm (parts per million) p. 114
Seawater Salinity: the Salt of the Ocean Oceanographers describe salinity with units of parts per thousand (‰) grams of dissolved solids per kilogram of water, g/kg average ocean salinity is ~35‰ fresh water is 0‰ salinity of the ocean typically ranges between 33‰ and 37‰ p. 114
Ocean surface salinity Notice any patterns? P>E E>P Hypotheses to explain observations in terms of evaporation and precipitation?
Investigation 3.3 - Salinity What is the salinity of the following sample of sea water? mass of sea water sample: 630 g mass of salt in sample: 22 g mass of water in sample? salinity? 22 g/630 g = 3.5% or 35‰ p. 153
Where do “salts” (dissolved ions) come from? rivers contain dissolved ions (in low concentrations) see table at bottom of p. 114 these ions are derived from the chemical breakdown (“weathering”) of rocks & soils on the continents note: the proportion of ions in river runoff is not the same as the proportion of ions in seawater implication: there must be other sources of dissolved ions What are some others sources? p. 114-115
Dissolved solids in seawater compared to river water Notice the four most common ions in seawater (in descending order of abundance) are Cl-, Na+, SO42-, and Mg2+, while in rivers the top four dissolved ions are HCO3-, Ca2+, SiO2, and SO42- p. 115
Input Sources of dissolved “salts” (ions) in seawater: 1. chemical weathering of rocks, runoff from the land 2. volcanic emissions (e.g., CO2, H2O, HCl, SO42-) 3. hydrothermal activity on the seafloor (e.g., at spreading centers) 4. Fluid flow out of accretionary prisms (above trenches) p. 115
Mt. St. Helens (1980) Mt. Pinatubo (1991)
Black smoker at spreading center (hydrothermal circulation through the hot, young oceanic crust)
Hydrothermal circulation at spreading centers: chemical reactions between hot volcanic rocks and icy cold seawater. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Deep_sea_vent_chemistry_diagram.jpg
Subduction zone complex (accretionary prism) off Japan Subduction zone complex (accretionary prism) off Japan. Fluids are squeezed out of sediments and crust due to great compression. http://clasticdetritus.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/nankai3dseismic.jpeg
Has ocean chemistry changed over time? Some possibilities: Salinity has increased because more salts enter the ocean every year Salinity has decreased because incoming river water is so dilute Salinity probably hasn’t changed much over time because input = output “Steady State” biogeochemical and geochemical cycles are very important in maintaining ocean chemistry steady-state!
Output Sinks for “salts”: 1. biological recycling (skeletons & shells, plus biological productivity) 2. burial in sediments 3. ionic exchange between superheated seawater & oceanic crust at the spreading centers precipitation of metaliferous deposits in the ocean 4. subduction (recycling of crust & sediments) p. 115
(Bio)geochemical cycling of fluids and dissolved ions in the surface ocean, in the sediments and ocean crust, at spreading centers and subduction zones, are very important processes controlling the stead-state of ocean salinity. http://www.mpi-bremen.de/Binaries/Binary6409/deepoceanfig2.jpg
Summary of Oceanic Salinity p. 114-115 average ocean salinity is ~35‰ lower in areas of high precipitation (P>E) or high river runoff from the land, higher in areas of high evaporation (E>P) all naturally occurring elements are dissolved in seawater 6 ions account for 99.4% of all dissolved solids in seawater (Cl-, Na+, SO42-, Mg2+, Ca2+, and K+) multiple sources of dissolved “salts” in seawater (input) chemical weathering of rocks, volcanic emissions, hydrothermal activity on the seafloor the chemical composition of the ocean has remained relatively constant over time because input = output geochemical and biochemical cycling of ions (biological recycling, burial in sediments, ionic exchange between seawater and hot oceanic crust, and subduction)