Latin American Governments Brazil, Mexico, & Cuba
Government Systems – Who has the power? Let’s Review Government Systems – Who has the power? Unitary--power is held by one central authority Confederation--association of independent states that agree to certain limitations on their freedoms by joining together Federal--power is divided between central authority & several regional authorities
Government Types – how do citizens participate? Let’s Review Government Types – how do citizens participate? Autocracy-- 1 person possesses unlimited power & citizens have limited role in government Oligarchy-- small group exercises control & citizens have limited role in government Democracy--supreme power is vested in the people & exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation involving free elections
Two Types of Democratic Governments: Let’s Review Two Types of Democratic Governments: Parliamentary– citizens elect members of Parliament, and then the members select the leader Leader works with or through the legislature Presidential--system of government in which the leader is constitutionally independent of the legislature; citizens directly elect leader Leader works separate from legislature
Economic Systems
Comparing freedom data of Cuba, Brazil, & Mexico… to USA & World nts=brazil|mexico&src=country
Media to help in understanding… Video: Obertopia explains the Economic Continuum (6 min): Video: How Mixed Economies work within the continuum (8 min): %20Economy%20Continuum Opening up relations between USA & Cuba (dropping emargo):