SUN CSN Africa Call to Action
We call on governments to play their part in Scaling Up Nutrition by taking action in 3 key areas: Co-ordinate Nutrition Plans Position nutrition at the highest level of government and bring together stakeholders from across government, the private sector, civil society, donor and UN networks to develop coordinated and costed nutrition plans both at a national and subnational level.
Resource allocation Ensure national nutrition plans are fully funded. Spending on nutrition should be prioritised and national budgets must include specific nutrition budget lines to turn plans from a piece of paper into a reality. Key to this is the timely release and proper utilisation of funds.
community engagement and accountability Ensure nutrition interventions are transparent and involve the communities most affected by malnutrition. Nutrition plans must reflect the realities of communities, respect communities as implementation partners and enable communities to track progress and hold governments accountable to their commitments.