Netronics Wireless Solutions for Video Surveillance
Video Surveillance Market 2 Post 9/11, video surveillance is becoming an integral part of most security projects, and more common than before
Video Surveillance Market 3 Solutions becoming more demanding, covering all types of locations and terrains, high quality of video and applications
Video Surveillance Market 4 Transmission networks receive high focus in quality projects
Netronics Solution Wireless Video Surveillance without Boundaries 5 Netronics provides leading wireless transmission solutions for quality video surveillance projects The Right Products The Best Cost Structure Worldwide Experience
Video Surveillance Market 6 Market Size 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Video Surveillance Market 7 Market Size Expected to grow from $4.5B in 2007 to $46B by 2013 $46B $4.5B 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * ABI Research, June 2008
Video Surveillance Market 8 Market Size Growth is stable through the financial crisis Financial crisis 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 * IMS Research, Nov 2008
Video Surveillance Market 9 Verticals Many verticals with different requirements and solution types
Video Surveillance Market 10 Technology Evolving to IP-based cameras, higher resolution and frame-rates, advanced video analytics
Video Surveillance Projects Types 11 Low-end High-end City surveillance (low scale) Enterprise Campuses Plants Gas stations ATMs City surveillance (high scale) Border control Railways security Gas/Oil pipeline security Facilities Airports, seaports Traffic surveillance
High-End Video Surveillance 12 Video applications require high resolution and high quality: High Capacity - Mega-Pixel cameras consuming high bandwidth Advanced Applications - License-plate or face recognition (e.g. as an applicable evidence in court) Real Time - Focused alerts, maximum information for manned patrols Mission-critical - No tolerance for system downtime or quality degradation Requires higher capacity for video streaming, and higher robustness and reliability of the wireless transport infrastructure
Why Wireless Transport? 13 Border Control Remote Facilities City Surveillance No cabling through walls, trenching for fiber between buildings, or drilling holes for cables in buildings. Low deployment and operational costs (CAPEX & OPEX) Flexible and dynamic network topology, locations of cameras, and network expansion
Netronics Wireless Transport Network for Video Surveillance 14 In high quality projects Netronics PtP solution fits best: Dedicated high-capacity BW per camera Robust and high quality radio link Flexible and scalable architecture Simple to install and maintain Affordable
Netronics Wireless Transport Network for Video Surveillance 15
Netronics Solution Overview 16 Max Throughput (Mbps) Max Range (Km) Freq. (GHz) Channel BW (MHz) 2 full duplex 20 2.4, 5.8 5 5 (5 uplink, 2 downlink) 2.4, 4.9-6 5/10/20 18 full duplex 80 50 full duplex 120 Netronics Provides Broadband Wireless Solutions Variety of sub-6 GHz frequency bands OFDM technology enables operation in near/non line-of-sight Point-to-Point & unique Multiple Point-to-Point architectures Netronics Network Management System (RNMS) to easily control a complex network Suitable for access and backhaul in diverse scenarios
What Projects Fit Best for Netronics Solution ? 17 High-End City Surveillance Projects Require high capacity per camera, dedicated robust link per camera Wide Area Projects e.g. borders, pipelines, railways, remote utilities Projects That Require Access and Backhaul Netronics is a “one-stop-shop” with a deep portfolio
City Surveillance Scenarios 18
Bypass obstacles, reach remote sites City Surveillance Scenarios 19 Bypass obstacles, reach remote sites
Aggregate several cameras City Surveillance Scenarios 20 Aggregate several cameras
City Surveillance Scenarios 21 High Resolution Camera
Case Study – Safe City Argentina 22 Municipal project, aimed to increase security in public places, monitor traffic, prevent vandalism, violence, crime, littering, and protect water facilities 40 cameras (of 1.5 Mbps) are wireless (several dozens more are wired) Multiple Point-to-Point Architecture, Hub site located at the control center
Case Study – Sacred Site Security West bank, Palestine 23 Video surveillance and security applications, securing residents and visitors in a historic site, in a sensitive area Netronics provides real-time, high-quality transmission of video streams from cameras installed throughout compound Seamless operation in extremely challenging environment (nLOS, rough mountain terrain, interferences)
Wide Area Scenarios Gas/Oil Pipelines Protection 24
Wide Area Scenarios Gas/Oil Pipelines Protection 25 Cascading Topology Ring Topology a link is down, other cameras can still reach the control center
Case Study - Utility Surveillance 26 Customer: Water Company Data & Video transmission of water levels to Water NOC (telemetry) Enable utility company to operate an Early-Warning System to alert local agricultural community to natural events that could result in floods. Real-time data and video transmission for mission-critical application Connects sites as far as 71 Km apart Operates at high altitude where other equipment failed (4611 m)
Case Study - Electricity Substations Surveillance 27 Customer: Power Grid, Power transmission Each site is covered by several IP cameras, aggregated traffic is sent via Netronics link to the control center Multiple Point-to-Point architecture, using collocated radios in central Hub sites High-quality, real time video transmission 24x7
Wide Area Scenarios Transportation/Railways Security 28
Case Study – Traffic control 29 A large-scale Traffic Surveillance & Emergency Response project in Canada Transmitting high quality video from cameras installed along highways to Traffic Control Centers throughout the city Netronics robust systems were deployed in record time, and are operating flawlessly even in extreme temperatures of 30 degrees below
Case Study - Highway Surveillance 30 Traffic surveillance along highways. Netronics systems transmit high- quality video from Highway to Traffic Control Centers Netronics provides wireless access to camera sites, and backhauling from local to central headquarters Low power consumption enables operation on solar power
Case Study - Highway Surveillance Continued … 31 Systems enable traffic monitoring and fast response to highway incidents High quality, real-time video transmission 24x7 Systems operate in interference conditions (pirate radio stations in area) Better pricing structure than competing solutions
Wide Area Scenarios Border Protection 32
Case Study – Border Control 33 Customer: Defense Forces Video surveillance along the border in long conflicted borders Netronics provides wireless access to camera sites, and backhauling from local to central headquarters Requirements included TDM interfaces, high capacity, long ranges, extreme environmental conditions
Summary – Netronics Solution 34 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple Mission-critical, one problematic camera will not degrade other cameras Dedicated bandwidth per camera Support high-capacity consuming cameras Work in nLOS scenarios
Summary – Netronics Solution 35 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple Variety of capacities, suitable for camera sites and backhaul
Summary – Netronics Solution 36 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple suitable both for in-city short ranges and wide area long ranges
Summary – Netronics Solution 37 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple Optional topologies: star, ring, daisy-chain, cascading Support 4.9 GHz (public safety band) and multi-band Support 5/10/20 MHz channel bandwidth, maximum spectrum efficiency and flexibility in radio planning
Summary – Netronics Solution 38 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple Competitive cost structure “Pay as you grow” model Reduced CAPEX
Summary – Netronics Solution 39 Reliable & Robust High Capacity Long Ranges Flexible & Scalable Cost Effective Simple Simple radio planning, training, installation & maintenance Agnostic to camera and video applications levels Reduced OPEX
Thank you 40
What is Multiple Point-to-Point ? 41 Single Hub site for multiple collocated radios Dedicated bandwidth per link Synchronized radio transmission reduces mutual interferences Unique architecture by Netronics
Multiple Point-to-Point Benefits Dedicated Capacity 42 New remote site requires high capacity Receives dedicated bandwidth No implication on service to other sites
Multiple Point-to-Point Benefits Robustness 43 New remote site near or non line of sight; harsh environment Rate and modulation for that link is reduced Directional Antenna - lower chances for interference to effect a specific link Other links are not effected by the interference 43