Place Type: Town Center Escondido Place Type: Town Center The following visual simulation was created by Steve Price of Urban Advantage, Inc. as a visualization tool to showcase what smart growth and transit-oriented development could look like locally. This simulation is one of the tools in the Smart Growth Tool Box, a set of planning and financing resources being developed by SANDAG to assist local jurisdictions in implementing smart growth principles in the opportunity areas on the Smart Growth Concept Map. This is a conceptual simulation of how this area could change through the application of smart growth principles, and is meant to generate additional ideas and discussion about smart growth opportunities. This simulation was created for Valley Parkway in the City of Escondido, which serves as the east-bound anchor for the new Sprinter line. The focus is on the creation of a community transit-oriented plaza, with enhanced access to the buses and the new Sprinter station.
Planning staff wanted to focus on the Escondido Transit Center, just east of Interstate 15 and bounded by Valley Parkway and North Quince Street. The circular area is the bus terminus. The new Sprinter platform is located on the lower left-hand portion of the aerial, just north of Valley Parkway. The North County Transit District has plans to replace parking lots around the transit center with six to seven story-development around the Sprinter station. The vantage point faces south toward Valley Parkway.
Valley Parkway at the Escondido Transit Center – Escondido, CA The simulation begins with a view of existing conditions. Existing Conditions: Currently, Valley Parkway is a one-way street without clear and safe passage for pedestrians Click 1: Public street and transit center improvements: Buses moved closer to Sprinter platform (out of view of image) Existing foreground bus area converted to public transit plaza Bicycle path added to new wide sidewalk and taxi stand located along curb Bi-level street lamps illuminating both sidewalk and roadway New street intersecting Valley Parkway and crossing into existing transit center Click 2: Short street medians with pedestrian refuges, and emphatically marked crosswalks. Safe pedestrian circulation is critical in TOD environments. Click 3: Higher-density development to increase transit ridership (replacing the existing police station) Click 4: Additional transit-oriented development supporting local businesses and turning transit center into a destination
Valley Parkway at the Escondido Transit Center – Escondido, CA Existing Existing and conceptual images Conceptual
Smart Growth Visual Simulations Smart Growth Tool Box SANDAG would like to thank Urban Advantage for these visual simulations, and remind you that the 3-D simulations and the photographs of existing smart growth projects will be available this fall. For more information on the visual simulations and the Smart Growth Tool Box, please visit SANDAG’s website at