TARA data for CloudNet H. Russchenberg , O. Krasnov Delft University of Technology – IRCTR, The Netherlands
TARA FM-CW: Frequency Modulated – Continuous Wave Radar T R Transmitted Power DR ~ DT ~ DF Z Frequency T R DF T Range FFT DT Tsweep
Doppler processing Z(V) Vmax -Vmax V Doppler FFT 512 profiles (512 x Tsweep) Profiles of Z, V, W every 0.512 s
Cloud mask 1. Cloud mask =1 for pixels with: -40 dBZ < reflectivity < +40 dBZ, and -10 m/s < velocity < 5 m/s, and 0 m/s < width < 3 m/s 2. Moving average of the cloud mask with 5 x 5 window and removing points with values less then 0.44 At least 11 pixels of cloud mask have to filled
0.512 s data
netCDF files 0.512 sec (RAW) Z, V, W (as short), CloudMask, all available radar info, calibration, etc. size 605,828,352 bytes (gzip -> 100-250 MB) 30 sec CloudNet Z, V, W after application of the cloud mask and averaging size 17,711,088 byte (gzip -> 1.5-3 MB)
On CloudNet KNMI Server: 2004 – until 11.03.2004; 2003 - ~280 days 2002 – Sept.-Dec. (soon)
Calibration and recalibration Thanks to Nicolas Gaussiat
Original data – as it is now: 15.01.2004 Original data – as it is now:
15.01.2004 Recalibrated dara
Original data – as it is now 18.01.2004 Original data – as it is now
18.01.2004 Recalibrated data