Defining your ‘why’ to get you through the tough times! MODULE 12 Purpose Defining your ‘why’ to get you through the tough times! MODULE 12
12 Every business and every individual needs a sense of purpose. In this module you will determine the goals which underline your purpose. These will be essential for getting you through the tough times!
Defining Your Purpose to Keep You Going
My Purpose? Entrepreneur Coaching business Life I’m not a team player! I hate being managed I want to prove to myself I can make my business a success Coaching business Passion grew to be more about the business of consulting than the consulting itself Wanted to have a business with lots of clients Wanted more leverage Wanted more revenue streams Life Less ordinary! Establish my family as middle-class or entrepreneuer-class
My Goal Structure Business [money tree] Health & Fitness Marketing Sales Delivery Operations Health & Fitness [fuel for your business] Strength targets: weight volume Fitness targets: distance and speed Health targets: Nutrition Finance [distribution] Cash flow: Money in/out Savings: Short & Medium Long Term Investments Family & Friends [fuel for you] Quality time together Depth & breadth Houses & Homes [Stability] Live somewhere Maintain it Own it Leverage it Lifestyle [Enrichment] Do things See things Own (some) things
Achieving Your Purpose Goals Get clients for my business to meet my revenue targets Strategy Market by public speaking Tactics Give a speech, collect contact details, follow up with lead magnet and/or call Tasks Write speech Create guide Get speaking gigs
Defining Your Tasks Specific Action-linked Realistic Timebound Define goals that are SMART. That is: Specific Measurable Action-linked Realistic Timebound Cover both business and personal, and choose a structure that works for you! Create a list of Actions (or tasks) required to fulfil your goal and measure your progress. Get satisfaction from the act of doing, rather than solely the act of completing something.
Define your measurements Complete the following task: 12.2 Create your vision board using a software product of your choice 12.1 Create your list of goals, with at least 1 in each of your chosen domains