Career Mapping and My Map
Why Career Mapping? Provides clarity for promotions and succession planning Drives performance by supporting and promoting employee development Enhances transparency of desired job skills and experience Builds a culture of opportunity
Building Sales Career Maps Building Career Maps Determine appropriate training & development Integrate matrix and key experience library Quantitative Feedback Profile & education analysis Employment history analysis Qualitative Feedback (Senior Leaders, High Potentials, Movers) Refine key responsibilities & position profiles Determine career path movement & key experiences
Sales Career Mapping Why are career maps important to me? Understanding of Sales organization structure Knowledge of vertical and lateral movement opportunities Identification of key experiences & job skills associated with positions Opportunities for career development discussions with managers Sales Career Mapping Components Career matrix My Map
Career Matrix Components What is a career matrix? Interactive tool that allows employees to navigate through the recommended career path to reach their desired position Career Matrix Components Job Families Key Positions Bands Recommended Positions / Experiences Value Added Positions / Experiences
Navigating Sales Career Maps Step 1: Click on Career Mapping Website Link http://share/sites/People/Career%20Mapping/default.aspx
Navigating Sales Career Maps ©Anheuser-Busch InBev November 16, 2008 Navigating Sales Career Maps Step 2: Choose “Commercial Canada” And… Click on “Career Opportunities” Update needed once loaded. Company Confidential
Navigating Sales Career Matrix Step 3: Read instruction page Scroll down to Career Matrix Home Page
Navigating Sales Career Matrix Step 4: Click on desired position on matrix or list Observe job description, requirements & responsibilities, recommended positions, and functional key experiences to attain desired position Color key Recommended job/skill Value added job/skill
Navigating Sales Career Maps Example - VP, Region (RVP)
Navigating Sales Career Maps – RVP Example
Navigating Sales Career Path – RVP Example
Navigating Sales Career Maps – My Map Use “My Map” to identify potential Career path to get to dream role. My Map will allow for you to map out the functional skills needed for next step progression and future opportunities. “My Map” located….
Navigating Sales Career Maps – My Map Discuss your Career Map with your manager Identify learning and skill development opportunities as per the Learning and Development Philosophy add items to your Individual Development Plan Update your Employee Profile in OPR tool based on short and long term goal Learning & Development Philosophy Development is owned by Employees, Supported by Managers, And enabled by the People Department.
Questions? Comments? The Career Mapping tool is an ever-moving target. We will be regularly working to update with new positions and changes to the organization. Questions People Manager District Sales Maanger Comments Please work through your Engagement teams to submit any comments/suggestions/changes to the Sales Career Mapping tool
It is your turn to “Shoot The Puck!!!” Use the Career Mapping Tool TODAY!