Mike Bucata Cep 802 Design project Sandbagging Sam Mike Bucata Cep 802 Design project
Case Summary-Who is Sam? 17 year old high school junior male High ability, earns A’s Turns in all work assigned Major procrastinator Test/Quiz crammer Major lack of participation in classroom activities Likes social aspect of class and school
Motivational Problem “Too cool for school” Lack of effort for learning Completion of work and good grades is good enough More concerned with social acceptance than learning and giving effort Believes rewards(good grades) aren’t contingent on effort, but only his high abilities
Design Goal Change Sam’s perception of ability with regards to learning and achieving mastery Change Sam’s view of personal self-worth in regards to his emphasis on social acceptance over learning and giving effort
Strategies Variation in instruction -one-on-one meetings with Sam about certain topics covered in class -goal setting during meetings -personal self-evaluation of his performance in class during meetings Create a positive and mutual bond that emphasizes on caring for Sam’s best interests
Rationale Form a mutual trusting relationship with Sam Communicate that I care and looking out for the best interests of Sam Change goals from performance-based to learning –based Combine Sam’s interests to goal setting Change how Sam views learning and help mold his goals and behaviors for the future
Expected Outcomes Sam will no longer focus on his social status with his peers, but rather will take greater pride and passion in his learning efforts Sam will begin to focus on the learning PROCESS, and not so much on the completion of work or achieving good grades.