x as in ticks (cks) (graph) y (e) prefix in, im
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 ticks socksrocks kicks licks jukebox trucks axe ducks yell clocks yard yawn relax chatterbox climax prefix index sticks knocks blocks snacks tricks bricks chickenpox wrecks yacht yeast lawyer kayak loyal royal youthful barracks PREFIX – in/im inactive image indent induct inform inbuilt incorrect imagine imaginable immature impolite impulse imprint improve inflame ingrown inappropriate incapacity inacceptable informal PREFIX – in/im imitate immaterial immoveable immeasurable immediately immense inconsumable incorrupt indifferent incomplete
5 impolite ingrown impulse incapacity imprint improve informal inflame inappropriate incapacity imprint inacceptable improve informal inflame
6 immeasurable imitate immense immaterial inconsumable immoveable incorrupt immeasurable indifferent incomplete immediately
Handwriting 26/8/15 im in im in im inappropriate impolite improve impulse inacceptable inflame 1. It was _____to shout in class. 2. It was ____ to dance on tables. 3.The teacher said that I can____.
Handwriting 26/8/15 im in im in im imitate immense immediately immaterial incomplete 1. My homework was _____. 2. The tornado was ____ in size. 3. I went home ____ after school.
not showing good manners impolite say spell IMPOLITE not showing good manners i-m-p-o-l-i-te = 7 im/po/lite= 3 sounds syllables
a sudden urge to do something impulse say spell IMPULSE a sudden urge to do something i-m-p-u-l-se = 6 im/pulse= 2 sounds syllables
a mark or an outline on a surface imprint say spell IMPRINT a mark or an outline on a surface i-m-p-r-i-n-t = 7 im/print= 2 sounds syllables
improve im/prove= 2 IMPROVE i-m-p-r-o-ve = 6 say spell sounds to get better i-m-p-r-o-ve = 6 im/prove= 2 sounds syllables
to provoke strong feelings in others inflame say spell INFLAME to provoke strong feelings in others i-n-f-l-a-me = 6 im/flame= 2 sounds syllables
ingrown in/grown= 2 INGROWN i-n-g-r-ow-n = 6 say spell sounds growing into the flesh i-n-g-r-ow-n = 6 in/grown= 2 sounds syllables
inappropriate in/ap/pro/pri/ate= 5 i-n-a-pp-r-o-p-r-i-a-te = 11 say spell INAPPROPRIATE not suitable in the circumstances i-n-a-pp-r-o-p-r-i-a-te = 11 in/ap/pro/pri/ate= 5 sounds syllables
incapacity in/ca/pac/i/ty = 5 INCAPACITY i-n-c-a-p-a-c-i-t-y = 10 say spell INCAPACITY physical or mental inability to do something i-n-c-a-p-a-c-i-t-y = 10 in/ca/pac/i/ty = 5 sounds syllables
i-n-a-cc-e-p-t-a-b-le = 10 say spell INACCEPTABLE not accepted i-n-a-cc-e-p-t-a-b-le = 10 in/ac/cep/ta/ble = 5 sounds syllables
a relaxed and casual gathering of people informal say spell INFORMAL a relaxed and casual gathering of people i-n-f-or-m-a-l = 7 in/for/mal= 3 sounds syllables
imitate im/i/tate= 3 IMITATE i-m-i-t-a-te = 6 say spell sounds to copy or mimic i-m-i-t-a-te = 6 im/i/tate= 3 sounds syllables
unimportant or irrelevant immaterial say spell IMMATERIAL unimportant or irrelevant i-mm-a-t-e-r-i-a-l = 9 im/ma/te/ri/al= 5 sounds syllables
immovable im/mov/a/ble= 4 IMMOVABLE i-mm-o-v-a-b-le = 7 say spell not able to be moved i-mm-o-v-a-b-le = 7 im/mov/a/ble= 4 sounds syllables
i-mm-ea-s-ur-a-b-le = 8 say spell IMMEASURABLE to large to be measured i-mm-ea-s-ur-a-b-le = 8 im/meas/ur/a/ble= 5 sounds syllables
i-mm-e-d-i-a-te-l-y = 9 say spell IMMEDIATELY at once; instantly i-mm-e-d-i-a-te-l-y = 9 im/me/di/ate/ly= 5 sounds syllables
extremely large or great immense say spell IMMENSE extremely large or great i-mm-e-n-se = 5 im/mense= 2 sounds syllables
inconsumable in/con/sum/a/ble= 5 i-n-c-o-n-s-u-m-a-b-le = 11 say spell INCONSUMABLE something that cannot be used up i-n-c-o-n-s-u-m-a-b-le = 11 in/con/sum/a/ble= 5 sounds syllables
not affected with decay incorrupt say spell INCORRUPT not affected with decay i-n-c-o-rr-u-p-t = 8 in/cor/rupt= 3 sounds syllables
indifferent in/dif/fer/ent= 4 i-n-d-i-ff-er-e-n-t = 9 INDIFFERENT say spell INDIFFERENT having no particular interest in something i-n-d-i-ff-er-e-n-t = 9 in/dif/fer/ent= 4 sounds syllables
incomplete in/com/plete= 3 i-n-c-o-m-p-l-e-te = 9 INCOMPLETE say spell not full or finished i-n-c-o-m-p-l-e-te = 9 in/com/plete= 3 sounds syllables
5 a relaxed and casual gathering of people not accepted physical or mental inability to do something not suitable in the circumstances growing into the flesh to provoke strong feelings in others to get better a mark or an outline on a surface a sudden urge to do something not showing good manners
6 to copy or mimic unimportant or irrelevant not able to be moved to large to be measured at once; instantly extremely large or great something that cannot be used up not affected with decay having no particular interest in something not full or finished