Romeo and Juliet, Flyswatter and Day 67 Romeo and Juliet, Flyswatter and
Objectives Read and Analyze Shakespearean language. Recognize characteristics of a variety of forms of poetry. Recognize and Understand poetic forms Homework Vocabulary 5 quiz Monday Grammar test on Wednesday
Warm Up Analyze each quote: 1.Quote: A plague a both your houses. (III, i, 99) 2.Quote: Beautiful tyrant! Fiend angelical! / Dove feathered raven! Wolvish-ravening lamb! / Despised substance of divinest show! / A damned saint, an honorable villain! (III, ii, 73-79).
Vocabulary 5
Altruistic Assent Benefactor Chivalrous Clemency Dearth Diffident Discrepancy Embark Facile Indomitable Infallible Plod Pungent Remiss Repose Temerity Truculent Unfeigned Virulent
Poetry: an elevated form of composition Elements: Form Sound Imagery Figurative Language Theme
Poetry -> Form Refers to a poem’s structure, or the way the words are arranged on the page. All words in a poem are arranged into line. The length of the lines, where they break, and how they are punctuated add to the meaning and rhythm. A group of lines in a poem is known as a stanza (it’s like a paragraph in fiction).
Form Arranged into two categories: Traditional Organic
Examples of Traditional Poetry Epic: Long, narrative poem -> Odyssey Ode: a meditative or commemorative lyric poem Ballad: a narrative poem that is meant to be sung Sonnet: 14 line poem having a set pattern of rhythm and rhyme -> Shakespeare Haiku: a form of Japanese poetry with a set number of lines and syllables Limerick: a light/humorous poem with a particular rhyme scheme.
Traditional Form Example
Organic Form May not follow any set rules, pattern, rhythm, or rhyme. Unpredictable Often uses unconventional spelling or punctuation. The lack of rules, pattern, or rhythm often leads to a deeper meaning in the poem.
Organic Form Examples Free Verse: poetry that does not have regular meter. Concrete Poetry: conveys meaning visually through the arrangement of letters and words.
Organic Form Example
Form Questions to ask for form: 1. What form has been used by the author? 2. What is the structure of the poem? How are the lines arranged? Are there stanzas and punctuation in the poem? 3. How does the form affect your understanding of the poem?
Act I Scene i Download the guide from my website and complete as you are reading act I. You will be graded as we go through the reading. Make sure you fill out each question.
Characters: I need a… Narrator: Sampson Gregory Abraham Benvolio Tybalt First Officer Old Capulet Lady Capulet Old Montague Lady Montague Prince Escalus Romeo
Take out your R&J books Start reading act I scene I. Remember to annotate for: Theme Symbolism Imagery Figurative Language Plot
Closure What are Paris and Capulet discussing? Capulet says he will consent to this arrangement on what condition? What does Capulet want Paris to do to make sure of his choice? How is this plan similar to Benvolio’s plan for Romeo?