AECOM UNIVESITY EMIA SHE Induction for NEW EMPLOYEES Curriculum Set up – Timings & Requirements 28th February 2017
DCS EMIA NEW EMPLOYEES SHE Training for all New Employees ONLINE TRAINING LOCAL New created modules Existing on AECOM University Instructor Led EMIA SHE Induction – Introduction EMIA SHE Office Awareness Driver Safety for EMIA Safety Orientation Safety for Life 2017 4Sight Fitness for Duty New Hire Orientation /Induction (*training locally delivered on local Emergency plan and Risk Assessments) New Employees Field Curriculum created for each Region Africa New Employees Field Central Europe New Employees Field India New Employees Field Middle East New Employees Field UKI New Employees Field Africa Risk Management Procedure S3EMIA-209-PR1 (webinar) Central Europe Risk Management Procedure S3EMIA-209-PR1 (webinar) India Risk Management Procedure S3EMIA-209-PR1 (webinar) Middle East Risk Management Procedure S3EMIA-209-PR1 (webinar) UKI Risk Management Procedure S3EMIA-209-PR1 (webinar) Hazard Communication / Personal Protective Equipment / WHMIS Hazard Recognition Biological Hazards Tash Hazard Assessment Asbestos Manual Materials Handling
1st of March made visible on AECOM University Timing & Requirements 1st of March made visible on AECOM University Will capture New Employees who joined from 1st of January 2017 DCS EMIA New Employees Curriculum to be completed within1 week of joining New Employee Field Curriculum to be completed within 1 month of joining. Communication SHE Team Members to be aware and inform local HR members to include in Employee On- boarding Process to raise the awareness