The Gilded Age
The Gilded Age: Innovation & Inequality Guided Notes The Gilded Age: Innovation & Inequality 1870 - 1915
Life Before 1870* Limited technology No indoor electric lighting Only candles or oil lamps No refrigerators only iceboxes Mail delivered by horse and carriage
New Inventions* Steel invented (1856) Oil is used for fuel (1858) Railroad tracks begin to cross the country (1869) Telephone (1876) Light bulbs become common (1880s)
A New Capitalist Class* These new inventions led to large corporations controlled by powerful capitalists. Standard Oil Company John D. Rockefeller Carnegie Steel Andrew Carnegie
A New Working Class* Thousands of people move to cities to work in the new factories Immigrants from Europe African Americans from the South Farmers from rural areas The working class experiences very harsh conditions
Exploitation* Workers were paid very low wages and worked 12 - 16 hours Children as young as 6 worked in factories Dangerous working conditions and no safety laws many injuries
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