Jeopardy Parts of the Atom How Many Atomic Models Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Name It Atomic Structure Name it Radioactivity Atomic Models Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
Parts of the Atom $100 Question The dense positive core
Parts of the Atom $100 Answer nucleus
Parts of the Atom $200 Question The negative particle
$200 Answer Parts of the Atom electron
$300 Question Parts of the Atom The neutral particle
$300 Answer from Parts of the Atom neutron
$400 Question Parts of the Atom The positive particle
$400 Answer from Parts of the Atom proton
$500 Question Parts of the Atom According to modern atomic theory, where the electrons are located.
$500 Answer Parts of the Atom Orbital/ electron cloud
$100 Question How Many Mass number of 3H
$100 Answer How many? 3 (amu)
$200 Question How many? Protons in 136Ba
$200 Answer How many? 56 protons
$300 Question from How many? Neutrons in 80Br
$300 Answer from How Many? 45 neutrons
$400 Question from How Many? Electrons in 7Li (no charge)
$400 Answer from How many? 3 electrons
$500 Question from How many? Electrons in Fe3+
$500 Answer from How many? 23 electrons
$100 Question from Name it - Atomic Structure The number of protons in a given element
$100 Answer from Name it - Atomic Structure Atomic number
$200 Question from Name it - Atomic Structure The sum of the number of protons and neutrons
$200 Answer from Name it - Atomic Structure Mass Number
$300 Question from Name it - Atomic Structure An atom with a charge.
$300 Answer from Name it - Atomic Structure ion
$400 Question from Name it - Atomic Structure An atom with a mass that doesn’t match the Periodic Table.
$400 Answer from Name it - Atomic Structure isotope
$500 Question from Name it - Atomic Structure The normal, non-excited state of an electron.
$500 Answer from Name it - Atomic Structure Ground state
The breaking apart of an atomic nucleus into fragments $100 Question from Name It The breaking apart of an atomic nucleus into fragments
$100 Answer from Name it? Fission
When two atomic nuclei come together to make a new nucleus. $200 Question from Name it When two atomic nuclei come together to make a new nucleus.
$200 Answer from Name it Fusion
High speed and energy Helium-4 nuclei $300 Question from Name it High speed and energy Helium-4 nuclei
$300 Answer from Name It alpha particles
$400 Question from Name It High speed electrons that come from the nucleus of a radioactive isotope.
$400 Answer from Name It beta particles
$500 Question from Name It The process by which a radioactive isotope decays into different atoms on its way to becoming a stable isotope.
$500 Answer from Name It decay series
$100 Question from Atomic Models The person who created the “plum pudding” model. .
$100 Answer from Atomic Models J.J. Thomson
$200 Question from Atomic Models The model represented below:
$200 Answer from Atomic Models Bohr’s Model
$300 Question from Atomic Models He discovered the nucleus, through an experiment with gold foil.
$300 Answer from Atomic Models Rutherford
$400 Question from Atomic Models In his model, compounds were made up of different elements, but these elements could not be broken down any further.
$400 Answer from Atomic Models Dalton
$500 Question from Atomic Models This model’s orbitals are where an electron spends 90% of its time.
$500 Answer from Atomic Models Schrodinger
Final Jeopardy What form of decay can cause the atomic number of an atom to increase?
Final Jeopardy Answer Beta decay