COURSE ADDITION: Context Rationale: (why is this course needed?) Resource Implications: (are faculty/facility resources already in place and allocated for this course?) Overlap with Existing Curriculum: (does this course overlap and/or duplicate any existing courses?) (Differentiate between cross-listed sections (1000/2000/4000/6000) whenever possible—outcomes, grading, assignments, etc.—especially where noted in this template)
COURSE TITLE – PREFIX #### COURSE ADDITION COURSE TITLE – PREFIX #### COURSE DESCRIPTION GOES HERE Catalog Title: Course number: Credit hours: When offered (ex. Spring Term, Odd-Numbered Years): Meeting days: Room location: Prerequisites: 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Instructor Office Location: Office telephone number: Office hours: e-mail address: Teaching Assistant name (s): TA office location: TA e-mail: Course will be a prerequisite for: Course will be a corequisite for: 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Student learning outcomes (differentiate if cross-listing course at multiple levels: ex. 4000/6000): Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Principal Course texts 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Course calendar: Grading (differentiate if cross-listing course at multiple levels: ex. 4000/6000): 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Course policies: 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Academic Integrity: The Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities and The Rensselaer Graduate Student Supplement define various forms of Academic Dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. All forms are violations of the trust between students and teachers. Student-teacher relationships are built on trust. For example, students must trust that teachers have made appropriate decisions about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must trust that the assignments that students turn in are their own performance. Acts that violate this trust undermine the educational process. The Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights and Responsibilities and The Rensselaer Graduate Student Supplement define various forms of Academic Dishonesty and you should make yourself familiar with these. In this class, all assignments that are turned in for a grade must represent the student's own work. In cases where help was received, or teamwork was allowed, a notation on the assignment should indicate your collaboration. Submission of any assignment that is in violation of this policy will result in a penalty. If found in violation of the academic honesty policy, students maybe subject to two types of penalty. The instructor administers an academic [grade] penalty and the student is reported to the Dean of Students or the Dean of Graduate Education as appropriate. The first violation results in O grade for that assignment. The second violation results in failure of the course. If you have any questions concerning this policy before submitting an assignment, please ask for clarification. 4/5/2019 Course Addition
COURSE ADDITION SYLLABUS Academic Accommodations: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on a disability, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss your options. To establish reasonable accommodations, please register with The Office of Disability Services for Students. After registration, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion. DSS contact information:; 518-276-819; 4226 Academy Hall. 4/5/2019 Course Addition