Why Biblical financial foundations? Finances are a significant Biblical emphasis We are presently dealing with difficult times Financial challenges often present relational challenges Wise or foolish perspectives affect financial outcomes We need proper perspectives on wealth and prosperity
Biblical Financial Foundations Grace to Give Biblical Financial Foundations
Why giving? Experience true life, great wealth, true riches by using our money to do good Generous to those in need Storing treasures as a good foundation for future life Increase to your account
I. The Increase of Your Account Philippians 4:15-19 A Church involved in giving to the needs of the ministry I want you to receive a reward for your kindness NASB - I seek for the profit which increases to your account Acceptable and pleasing to God God will supply all your needs
II. Keys to Giving in Difficult Times 2 Corinthians 8, 9 – Macedonian and Corinthian churches stirred to generosity toward people’s needs 8:1-9 First give yourself to God Give of your own free will Even in troubled times overflowing generosity Excel in the gracious act of giving Give motivated by love
9:1-15 I really don’t need to tell you about this ministry of giving Your enthusiasm and generosity stirs others Willing gifts not given grudgingly Not reluctantly Not in response to pressure
You will receive in proportion to what you give Few seeds – small crop Generous planting – generous crop Decide in your own heart God will generously provide what you need NASB – all grace abound to you Everything you need Plenty left over to share with others
Distinguishing between bread and seed Bread to eat – for your own needs Seed to sow – for the needs of others Enriched in every way so you can always be generous Results of giving Needs of others will be met They will give glory to God Joyful expressions of thanks to God Proof of your obedience to the gospel Prayer for you because of God’s grace given you
III. Generous Giving A widow’s two coins A little boy’s lunch
Mark 12:41-44 Rich people – large amounts Poor widow – two small coins Who gave more? What about the needs of the widow?
John 6:1-13 Feeding the huge crowd following Jesus Young boy with five loaves and two fish What good is that with this huge crowd?
Sufficiency in difficult times – a result of the grace of God Philippians 4:19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
Interactive Time How do you discern bread for eating and seed for sowing. How do you know which part of your funds is to spend on your need and which part is for giving? What should you do when you are feeling compelled or pressured to give to some need?
2 Corinthians 8:5 says that the Macedonians first gave themselves to the Lord and then to the Apostle Paul and those receiving their gifts. How do you give yourself first to the Lord? How do you give yourself to others? What steps can you take to excel in this gracious (or grace-filled) act of giving? How should difficult times affect our giving?