Christianity: Class Notes 1/16/19
I. Basic Beliefs Monotheistic: one God – all powerful and all- knowing (omnipotent). Similar to the Jewish faith – Judaism. ex: both believe in the Ten Commandments. 2. But Different in that Christians believe in three forms of the one God – Known as the Trinity. The Trinity = God the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Judaism does not believe in Jesus, still waiting for their messiah. The Christian Day of worship is Sunday / The Jews = Saturday
Basic Beliefs (continued) B. Jesus Christ: the founder of Christianity and believed by his followers to be the son of God and the Messiah or savior of all mankind. Jesus Changed some basic beliefs from Judaism: KEY Change: Anyone who believes in Jesus’s death and Resurrection may be saved and enjoy eternal life in heaven. We are all god’s children, God loves us all equally. The Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself – treat others better than you would treat yourself. Work for the good of others. Key Idea: Jesus’ Death by Crucifixion & his resurrection makes eternal life possible for all followers. (Jesus “opened the gates of heaven.”)
Basic Beliefs (Continued) C. The Bible: Two main Parts 1. The Old Testament: Christians follow the Jewish traditions outlined in the Torah. Jesus was Jewish but stressed anyone can follow him – Jew or Gentile (non-Jew). 2. The New Testament: Jesus’s life & his apostles. The Gospels – accounts of the life of Jesus Christ by 4 of his apostles – Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John. Also contains prayers, short books, and letters written by early church leaders to their followers outlining Christian beliefs and behavior (like Peter and Paul).
II. Reasons for Christianity’s Success: The Message – Eternal life for believers! Everyone equal in the eyes of God – Poor or rich – doesn’t matter. All church members are “brothers” and “sisters” in faith (God’s Children). Forgiveness of sins: If you repent (are truly sorry for your bad deeds – your sins) you can be forgiven & still go to heaven & it is never too late to repent!
Why Successful continued Economic and Moral conditions in the Roman Empire were corrupt. Economic: 95% poverty rate. 1/3 of the Empire’s population were slaves. No significant Middle Class – just rich and poor. Morality: How should we behave? What is right and wrong (ethics)– Rome was falling into moral decay – corruption was everywhere & People were searching for meaning in their lives.
Why Successful Continued: Persecution by Rome in 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Centuries A.D.: Christians were martyred – died for their beliefs. A Martyr = a person who dies for their beliefs. Examples of persecution: Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for starting a fire in 64 A.D. that burned 1/3 of the City of Rome to the ground. Diocletian 284 A.D.: started “the Great Persecution” – any Christian who proclaims their faith in public is put to death.
Why Successful Continued: D. Conversion of Roman Emperors: 1. Constantine: made Christianity legal in 325 A.D. Legal = lawful – it’s ok for you to practice it. 2. Theodosius I: Made Christianity the official religion of the Empire in 380 A.D. The Official = it’s the favored religion – you must be Christian to get a government job / special treatment.
Why Successful Continued E. Communication: Roman roads & the Pax Romana (the Roman Peace). 1. Ideas can travel quickly using Roman Roads. 2. During times of peace trade is easier. 3. Postal System: A letter sent from Egypt could make it to Spain in just one week (the New testament is full of letters from church leaders to Christian communities all around the Empire)!