7. Internal structure. II
Internal Structure II. Equations of solar evolution Scaling laws Nuclear reactions: p-p chain Convective energy transport Solar neutrino problem
Energy transfer and balance equations L+dL If e is the energy release per unit mass then the energy flux change in a shell dr is: e L This is the equation for conservation of energy (energy balance).
Equations of the stellar structure Kramer’s opacity law
Scaling Laws
The p-p chain
Nuclear potential
rab=nav s nb Particle flux: nav Reaction cross-section: s 1 keV Reaction rate: rab=nav s nb Coulomb barrier Attractive nuclear potential density of particles b
Another form of Brunt-Vaisala frequency:
Online stellar modeling: http://mesa-web.asu.edu/index.html
Standard solar model
Standard solar model
Sensitivity of various neutrino experiments
37Cl detector
GALLEX experiment Result: 77.5 8 SNU Standard Solar Model prediction: 129.6 SNU νe + 71Ga → 71Ge + e–
Superkamiokande (Japan)
Neutrino image of the Sun
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) measured the total flux of electron, muon and tau neutrinos and confirmed the neutrino transition from one type to another on their way from the Sun to Earth
νe + 37Cl → 37Ar + e–. νe + 71Ga → 71Ge + e–