“Vera” A Russian Cinderella By: Crystal Depoo
Once upon a time, a man lived in Russia with his sweet wife Liubov, and their daughter Vera. When Vera’s mother died, he married another woman who was pleasant at first. After the wedding was over, the new wife turned into a mean and jealous woman. She didn’t like how Vera’s sweet and gentle personality made her daughters look mean. So she gave Vera rags to wear and made her do all the chores
Vera overheard her step mother talking to her daughters about heading into the city to meet a nobleman that wanted to find a wife. Vera’s step mother called Vera in the room. “Vera! I want you to make my daughters beautiful clothes to wear to meet the nobleman.” she shouted. Vera nodded and started to walk away. She turned back around and asked if she could go. Vera’s step mother laughed at her.
Vera slaved all day and night for a week to make her step mother and sisters’ dress. She prayed to her angel that she would somehow be able to attend.
That night the step mother and the sisters left on the trip to the city to meet the nobleman. Vera left her house and headed for her church to pray to her angel that someday she would meet a nice husband.
When Vera got to the church, a beautiful angel appeared and told her to go to meet the nobleman. On her journey to the city she will find a beautiful dress. “How will he notice me?” Vera said and the angel replied “You will see.”
Vera arrived to the ball in her beautiful dress that was magically transformed from rags. As soon as she walked in, the nobleman came up to her and said “I’ve been waiting for you, my beautiful wife to be. Will you marry me?” Vera was the happiest she had ever been in her life and they lived happily ever after.