Discovering the “Sea of numbers” Teodora Brandmuller Unit E4, Eurostat Brussels, 24 March 2015
What can Eurostat offer? Grid-based population data
Coastal population Ireland Portugal 35% lives within 5 km from the sea
What can Eurostat offer? Grid-based population data and Geospatial analysis
Maritime service area
Share of population living within the maritime service area by Local administrative units (LAU 2)
Share of population living within the maritime service area by regions (NUTS 3 units)
What can Eurostat offer? Grid-based population data and Geospatial analysis Some socio-economic data at NUTS 3 level
What can Eurostat offer? Grid-based population data and Geospatial analysis Some socio-economic data at NUTS 3 level Wide range of indicators at NUTS 2 level
Regional indicators at NUTS 2 level Regional accounts Labour market Education Research and Development Structural business statistics Environment Health Tourism
What can Eurostat offer? Grid-based population data and Geospatial analysis Some socio-economic data at NUTS 3 level Wide range of indicators at NUTS 2 level Customised extractions from Labour Force Survey Access to micro data
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