United States History II Road Map for Success: The Progressive Era (1900-1920) How would you like to live in a world with no sanitation requirements, no safety regulations, no minimum wage, no job security, no voting rights or civil rights? Well, unless you were part of the 9% of elite Americans at the turn of the century, you were in desperate need of the aforementioned aspects of life. At the turn of the century, the United States was still very much in its developing stages, beginning to find its way in the world. While people tried to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities and freedoms America had to offer, citizens dealt with horrible living and working conditions, low pay, bigotry and bias, racial and ethnic profiling, and a plethora of other negative realities. These problems flourished in a country where most things went unchecked or unregulated. There was no meat inspector, there were no unions, there were no child labor laws. However, something had to be done, but who would take the lead in uncovering problems and proposing solutions to these social ills? The Progressives! Progressive leaders spearheaded movements to have social injustices stopped and rectified to promote general welfare and equality through new progressive policies. You will master the following learning standards: USII.8 Analyze the origins of Progressivism and important Progressive leaders, and summarize the major accomplishments of Progressivism. A. Progressive Leaders B. Progressive Policies USII.9 Analyze the post-Civil War Struggles of African Americans and women to gain basic civil rights
Depth of Understanding (1-4) Skill Classroom Activities Depth of Understanding (1-4) How do I get there? 1) Identify major social, political, and economic problems in the United States circa 1900 2) Evaluate the importance of muckrakers and muckraking literature in rectifying the problems facing the nation 3) Describe the accomplishments of notable Progressives 4) Explain the impact of Progressive policies from 1890-1920 SELF ASSESSMENT HOW ARE YOU DOING SO FAR??? 5) Identify specific struggles of African Americans and women up to the Progressive Era 6) Summarize actions taken by notable suffragettes and African American civil rights advocates 7) Predict how progressive change will benefit the United States and/or how it will negatively affect the United States