hinari-gw.who.int/whalecomextranet... url Once logged-in, you will be taken into the Full text journals, databases, and other resources sub-page of the website. Note the ‘You are logged’ in message. This proper login also can be confirmed by the hinari-gw.who.int/whalecomextranet... url The ‘You are logged in’ message was added in October 2008. This invaluable reminder will appear whenever you are on this page. Without this message, the publishers will not recognize you as a HINARI participant and will block the access to the full-text articles.
Accessing journals by title 1 Journals can be accessed by title from an alphabetical list. Note there also is a View complete list of journals option.
We have displayed the ‘L’ journal list We have displayed the ‘L’ journal list. Click on the title for The Lancet. The green box notes access to the contents of the journal for you while the ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Band 2 although some Band 1). Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title. In this example, we have located the link to ‘Lancet’. To select the journal, highlight the title in the alphabetical list by clicking on it and another window will open at the publisher’s website.
Accessing journals by title 4 Another window will open at the journal publishers’ website. In this additional window, you will see the link to the individual journal (Lancet). You are proceeding from the HINARI gateway into the particular publisher’s website and portal of journals. You will then be able to locate the article you are interested in and download or print it.
For each article, there are three options: [Abstract], [Full Text] or [PDF] formats. Most publishers give you three display options – abstract or summary, full-text or a document with hypertext links or PDF format. Depending on your initial need, you will choose one of these options.
You can get the article in Full Text or HTML format that includes links to sections of the article, bibliographic citations or related articles. In this option, the article contains html code and includes hypertext links. In this case, there are internal links (top, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references) plus links to the articles that are cited within this document. If you choose to copy this document, you will save it as a .html file and need to view it with a Web browser
With the PDF or Portable Document Format, you will receive a scanned image of the article. This format is similar to the traditional print option . To download a PDF document, you will need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat program which can be download freely from the Adobe website: www.adobe.com This scanned image is the format that looks the most similar to the traditional print option and is easily printable. In order to ‘read’ this document, your computer must have the ‘Adobe Acrobat Reader’ software. If not on your computer, you can freely download this from http://www.adobe .com
Full-text Article Access Problems Using the ‘Journals by title A-Z’ list, we are attempting to access a full-text article from the Blood. Although HINARI users should have access to this journal, we will use this as an example of ‘what could go wrong.’ Periodically, you may have problems accessing the fulltext article from a HINARI partner publisher. In the following slides, we will go through a series of steps to identify and resolve the problem. On this slide, we have access a journal article from ‘Blood’. Instead of having access to the full-text article, we have received the message that ‘this item requires a subscription to ‘Blood Online’.
Access problems can be caused by: failure to properly LOGIN with the institution's User Name/Password technical problems at the Publisher's website 3) or problems with local systems (configuration of user institution’s firewall, configuration of browser) 4) The publisher has not authorized access - mostly Band 2 countries Consequently, you may see a message on the Publisher‘ denying access and requesting LOGIN or payment for the specific article. Note: Your HINARI institutional ‘User Name/Password’ will NOT work. You can note that the publisher is asking for either a User Name and Password (and NOT the HINARI institutional ones) or that you purchase a copy of the article for $35 USD. Some of the reasons for this problem are listed in the slide.
hinari-gw.who.int/whalecomextranet.who.int... To confirm that you have used the institutional User Name and Password correctly, check that you have the ‘You are logged in’ message. This also is confirmed in the address or URL search box of the web browser. If properly ‘authenticated’, you will see a URL that begins with: hinari-gw.who.int/whalecomextranet.who.int... This is the first of several steps to identify and resolve the access problem.
Institutional Firewall Problems In this situation, a proxy server is blocked by the institution’s firewall. Please check with your computer department to make sure the institution’s firewall does not block proxy servers. The computer system must be able to access HINARI’s proxy server. Insure that you are permitted access to the IP through your institution’s firewall. Otherwise, you will not be able to login properly and access HINARI’s full-text articles.
Accessing journals by title 1 NOTE: If you have problems when you are accessing a full-text journal from HINARI/PubMed (not via the links from the principal HINARI page), there is one other step to check. (Further details in the PubMed section of the short course). If you are unable to access an article from a journal via the ‘Link Out’ icons in HINARI/PubMed, double check this by going to the title in the ‘Journals by title A-Z’ list and also verify the years of volumes available.
When viewing any page of the Journals by title A-Z list, the green box notes if your institution has access to the contents of the journal. The ! notes that your institution is denied access (predominantly Band 2 although some Band 1). If you are denied access to a full-text article despite the green box, follow the instructions in the next slide. Note that the ‘years of volumes’ available are listed after the journal title. In this additional screen capture, the user has detailed how this journal should be available at his institution (green box) plus how the issue he needs is included in the list of available issues.
This is the example of the screen capture that was attached to the email message for hinari@who.int For the JEM article, it noted that This item requires a subscription. The publisher requested that the user Sign in (User Name and Password for individual subscription) or Purchase Short-Term Access. Note: this screen capture includes the URL of the journal. This information is invaluable to the HINARI staff who will try to resolve the access problem. You can create a screen capture by clicking on the Print Screen key while viewing the webpage of the journal. Then paste (edit/paste or control/v) the material into a word processing document and send as an attachment. This screen capture confirms how the publisher has NOT recognized that the user has properly logged in. Note the instructions on how to create a ‘screen capture’. If you have never done this, try capturing the one of the HINARI pages and placing it in a Word document.
Double check that you have completed the HINARI LOGIN Double check that you have completed the HINARI LOGIN. If this is not the problem, notify HINARI staff (hinari@who.int) so that they can communicate with the Publisher and resolve the problem. This example is an email received from a HINARI user in Uganda. Note: make sure you include your institutional User Name, the name of the journal(s), publisher(s) and other details. Also include a screen capture that contains the URL (Internet address) of the journal (seen next slide). Note how this user has included all the critical information – title of journal (subject), institutional User Name and also a screen capture (following slide). This user also could have included the journal’s publisher. The institution's Password is not required.
This additional screen capture notes that the journal is listed on the J page of the Journals by Title A-Z list, that the requested journal issue is available and that, by the green box, the institution should have access to the journal. If the HINARI authentication system had worked properly, the user would have had access to the journal article. In this additional screen capture, the user has detailed how this journal should be available at his institution (green box) plus how the issue he needs is included in the list of available issues.
Accessing journals by via PubMed Note the link to find articles through HINARI/PubMed. Using this option will be covered in later in the Short Course. We now have returned to the ‘Full-text journals, database and other resources’ page of HINARI. As noted, the ‘Search HINARI journal articles through PubMed (Medline)’ option will be reviewed in future slides.
Accessing journals by subject 1 Click on the link to find journals by Subject. From the drop down menu, we will select Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases. Journals also can be found in a broad subject category by moving down the page to the ‘Find journals by subject category’ section. Click on the hypertext link to select journals by broad subject category. This can be done by using the drop down menu. Other options that will not be discussed include the ‘Select A Language’ and ‘Select A Publisher’ options that lists all the Partner Publishers and their respective publications. In the right column, there is a ‘Partner publisher services’ drop down menu but this only includes some of the major publishers.
Accessing journals by subject 4 An alphabetical list of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases journals is now displayed with links to the journal websites. Click on the title Trends in Parasitology After the title of the journal, the available volumes/issues are listed. You now can select the specific journal you would like to access. Once you select a journal, you will be transferring from the HINARI gateway to the participating publisher’s website/portal. If you have completed the LOGIN properly, you will have access to the full-text articles.
By clicking on a journal title, you will open the journal in a new window: Trends in Parasitology. In this case, we have selected the journal ‘Trends in Parasitology’. This will open the journal homepage in a new browser window.
Publishers’ Websites We can also access full text resources from Partner publishers’ services websites by selecting from dropdown menu (to be discussed in the next section). Publisher’s websites offer access to full-text journals and specialist services. You can access full-text resources from Partner publisher services section on the HINARI Full-text journals, databases and other resources page. Click on the drop down menu next to the “SELECT PUBLISHER” text box and a list of the partner publishers is displayed. To go to the publisher’s website highlight the name and click on it.
Other full text sources There are a number of Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes, these can be accessed from the list on the right-hand side of the website. There are a number of other full text resources in addition to publishers journal collections, these can be accessed from the list on the right-hand side of the website. If you go to the ‘Reference sources’ section on the on the Full-text journals, databases and other resources page you will see a number of resources such as books, dictionaries and encyclopedias. In this example, we have clicked on the ‘Databases and Indexes’ and have access to a series of useful resources. Note the number of regional bibliographic databases.
African Index Medicus We have selected African Index Medicus. From the previous list of ‘databases and indexes’, we have selected the African Index Medicus, a regional bibliographic resource. The World Health Organization has developed the ‘Global Index Medicus’ that links the material in all the regional databases. In many cases, there are links to the full-text articles.
Complete exercises 3-4 in the workbook.
Partner Publishers’ Websites From the Partner publisher services dropdown menu, click on the Elsevier Science - Science Direct website. Note that this ‘drop down menu’ only contains the major HINARI participating publishers. For a list of complete list of publishers and journals, go to the Find journals by publisher list on the left side of the page. Proceed to the Partner publisher services drop down menu and access the ‘Elsevier Science-Science Direct’ website. You now have left the HINARI gateway and entered Elsevier’s portal where you will have access to numerous features including links to the contents of over 2,000 e-journals.
`` When we open a Partners publisher services resource, a new window will open. We should now be authenticated at the new site. We have chosen ScienceDirect. This is the initial page of the website. From here, we can locate articles or journal titles, register for a personal profile, and order table of contents services. On the Science Direct website, you can view an A-Z journal list, a browse by subject listing, a means to search the database and also set up alerts plus access to their online books.
Searching – Science Direct Via the Quick Search option, you can be locate articles by Author, Journal/book title, Volume & Issue and keywords (all fields). You also can Browse by title and broad subjects in the left-hand column. The website also is a database of articles. In Science Direct, there are over 9,400,000 full text articles. Using the Quick Search, you have the options to view articles or journal titles via author, title, abstract or keyword search. In the left column, you can Browse by title and Browse by subject. Also, you can register for Quick Links (subject alerts, recall of saved searches and a top 25 articles in your subject area).
In this Advanced Search option,, we have combined the terms malaria AND bednets for All sources and added the 2005 to Present year limit. This advanced search contains features for more precise searching and uses some of the tools that will be discussed in the subsequent PubMed slides.
HighWire Press 3 This is the HighWire Press initial page. From this site, we can locate articles or journal titles or subjects and set up an email alert. The Free Access to Developing Economies link is located on the initial page. Also of interest is the Free full-text content link. Note: You can access the HighWire Press full text articles since this publisher identifies computer (IP) addresses from eligible countries. This is the ONLY exception to not needing to use your institution’s User Name and Password.
You now have entered the Free Access to Developing Economies list of HighWire Press. As noted, the access is based on the computer's IP Address and you can go directly to the site using the url.
HighWire Press 4 Within HighWire Press, we have entered the Free Online Full-Text Articles page. Note that some journals are a free site and others have free articles after a set period of time. The HINARI eligible country access is a different mix of titles.
In this slide, you will note that the Table of Contents to JAMA is very similar to those of other journals as you have access to the following options: Abstracts, Full-Text (html) and PDF. We have accessed the table of contents page of an issue of JAMA with Abstract, Full Text (HTML) and PDF options to specific articles.
Wiley Interscience 2 Again, we see similar features as in the other Partner Publishers' portals and also the HINARI website. In the Medical, Veterinary and Health Sciences category, you can Browse By Category or Publication Titles and keyword Search plus Advanced Search options.
Complete exercises 5-7 in the workbook.