The Diary of Anne Frank Journal Entries
Journal Entry #1 Think about the cramped conditions the Franks and Van Daans are moving into. They could only bring what they could carry inconspicuously. Consider what things you couldn’t go without that you would have to bring with you into hiding. If you were to go into hiding tonight, what would you pack? Don’t bring things that you have bills for! How are you supposed to pay for your cell phone? Keep in mind that there is limited technology! These things can be items or people. Write a page describing what you’d bring and why. During or after Act 1 Scene 2
Journal Entry #2 Miep Gies shared her belief about the importance of Anne’s story with Scholastic in 1997. What important lesson or message do you think is important for future generations to learn? Use specific references from the text to make connections to real life and lessons we can still learn from Anne. Write a full page explaining your thoughts. During Act 1 Scene 3