Session 3: Diary Time: 11:00 – 11:50 Objectives Tasks Finding out specific information from the text and synthesizing it in the discussion Practicing your critical reading ability Practicing skimming and scanning Tasks 6. Your view on writing diaries 7. More about Anne Frank
Task 6: Your views on writing diaries (1) Questions for discussion: Do you keep a diary? Why or why not? What do you usually write in your diary? What are the similarities and differences between Anne Frank and Latoya Hunter?
Task 6: Your views on writing diaries (2) The similarities between Anne Frank and Latoya Hunter: Both were girls. Both were teenagers. Both kept diaries. Both had writing talents. 5. Both were sensitive and felt lonely. 6. Their diaries combined reflections on the author’s public and private existence.
Task 6: Your views on writing diaries (3) The differences between Anne Frank and Latoya Hunter: Anne was Jewish; Latoya was American of Jamaican origin. Anne lived in Europe in the 1940s; Latoya lived in a modern American city, New York. Anne wrote diary of her own will. She wanted the diary to be her real friend and she called it “Kitty”. Latoya kept a diary upon publishers’ request. Anne died young, and her diary was later collected together and published in dozens of languages. Her diary was widely read in the world. Latoya’s diary was also popular, but not so famous as Anne’s.