Imperialism Or as it’s known in our textbook - “New Imperialism” And Social Darwinism…
Definitions and Examples Define Imperialism in your own words, then copy down my version Draw an example or drawing to help you remember, with your definitions as well. “Extending a country's power over another area/country through diplomacy or military force” European Countries ---- to carve up Asia and Africa
Mad Scramble Spain Great Britain Portugal Holland France Germany Belgium Italy
Imperialism Linked to strong sense of Nationalism British Prime Minister “When I left the Foreign Office in 1880, nobody cared about Africa. When I returned in 1885, the nations of Europe were almost quarreling with each other as to the various portions of Africa they should obtain.”
Why? Economic Opportunities - natural resources - rubber, oil, tin International Prestige Patriotic Fervor - schools colored maps to teach Geography, Soldiers letters were in newspapers and magazine to seem Heroic, plays were written, and trips were planned Religious Motives - Catholic/Protestant missionaries
Social Darwinism Scientific theories - not all correct or positive Darwin’s principle of organic evolution to social order = Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer used Darwin’s social terminology to argue that societies were organisms that evolved through time from a struggle with their environment. Nationalists and racists applied his ideas in an even more radical way. EX: German General, Nat. Assc. of Italy
Social Darwinism Cont’d Racism revived and strengthen by biological arguments “Volk” = German Volkish Thought - according to Houston Stewart Chamberlain - “Aryans - the true/original creator of Western Culture - and under German Leadership, must be willing to fight for Western Civilization and save it against the Jews, Negroes, and Orientals.” Book - The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, 1899
Homework Read and take notes on 745-749 on Imperialism and Africa Be ready to discuss on Wednesday and show your notes for points.