L2L Learning to Learn
Set up a place to work. Seating, lighting, temperature, water, sound?
Start with harder content & spend more time on it Start with harder content & spend more time on it. Only focus on what you don't know.
Use old exam papers and go over your previous tests.
Highlight the questions you can't answer Highlight the questions you can't answer. This is what you need to study.
Connect ideas in a story.
Highlight Keywords
Make your own notes
3 column notes
Use visuals to trigger your memory.
Record notes to listen to.
Make a mind map.
Review- make your own Quizlets - www.quizlet.com
Spend 20-30 minutes on a topic. Then take a break. Get up and move Spend 20-30 minutes on a topic. Then take a break. Get up and move. Walk/stretch.
Study with a friend. Quiz each other.
Ask for help from your teachers.
Find suitable research articles. Use google advanced settings.
Drinking water is best for your brain.
Eat a balanced diet.
Get enough sleep.