Rat Practical The Review
Male or Female?
Male or Female?
Name the Cavities 1 2
What in the world is this?? 1 3 2 4
HUH? 4 3 1 2 6 5
Name this system & Parts 1 2 3 4
What does this thing do?
What do these parts do? 1 2 5 3 4
Let’s get specific…. What is the name for this particular section?
A Different View…. 1 2
Yikes! 1 2 3
Now let’s practice how the test will be You will have 30 seconds to answer each slide
1.Identify this structure 2. Function of this organ. 3. Function of this organ.
4. Function of this organ. 5. Function of this organ. 6.Identify this structure
7. Function of this structure 8.Identify this structure 9.Identify this structure
10.Identify this structure
Now let’s see how you did You’re Done! Now let’s see how you did
1 2. Break down & absorb nutrients 3. Absorb excess water
4. Produce Bile 6 5. Breakdown food into smaller pieces. Add gastric juices to start digestion.
7. Trachea – bring air to lungs 8. Esophagus 9. Heart
10. Lung 11. Diaphragm