Why do I keep hearing the word Intersex? I cannot do the intersex movement and it’s importance justice within this short time. Instead I will briefly discuss different terminology that you may hear throughout your lives regarding klinefelters and variations of… XXXY, XYY…
Androgen insensitivity syndrome Gonadal dysgensis Variations in sex characteristics hermaphrodite Klinefelter syndrome Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Androgen insensitivity syndrome Turner syndrome MRKH Sex reversal lntersex Perineal hypospadias Vanishing testes syndrome Premature ovarian insufficiency Swyer syndrome Disorders /Differences in sex development Names of variations that change a person’s reproductive development Some of these were used in the past – but considered derogatory! And misguiding! increase familiarity with terms / existence of variations in sex development in general is important.
Intersex - Scientific term established in 1901 Not a third sex Method to describe the continuum of differences (OII International) Does not describe gender or identity Not related to sexual preference Important Intersex advocacy groups include (but not limited to) https://ihra.org.au/ - Intersex Human Rights Australia https://oiiinternational.com/ - Organisation Intersex International Others could include AIS peer support in Australia And this group AXYS! Gender diversity can arise in anyone and is described in KS hence increasing awareness of the need to assess gender identity before intervening.. (this includes hormone therapies etc)…
Disorders of sex development ‘DSD’ 2006 Chicago Consensus statement The Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society (LWPES) and the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) formulated consensus statement Mainly health professionals and very few people with a variation Umbrella term that includes variations with 46,XX, 46,XY and sex chromosome DSD as classifications Designed a new term for scientific communication, more accurate classification system was needed to ensure that ‘like was being compared with like’ in publications - outcomes can vary depending on cause for different gene changes Doctor’s preference to use specific name of a person’s variation (i.e. klinefelters or turner syndrome ) Unify terms associated with these types of variations. Remove historically stigmatised and perceived potentially as pejorative by patients terms such as intersex, pseudohermaphroditism, hermaphroditism, sex reversal, and gender based diagnostic labels are particularly controversial. More accurate classification system was needed to ensure that ‘like was being compared with like’ in publications etc (whereas previously many XYDSD would have been ‘lumped’ together and differences in things such as fertility / malignancy risk / other longterm outcomes were therefore not clear / well defined). The term “disorders of sex development” (DSD) is proposed, as defined by congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical. This includes women who have ovarian insufficiency in their teens, people wth XXY, men who have 46,XX karyotype
Advocacy movement Response to “DSD” Do not like the term “disorder” – medicalised bodies and natural variation (although not all advocates agree on this) Encourages the need to “fix” physical attributes OII: Not all people with intersex differences are intersex, preference to avoid assigning names. The push to use ‘intersex’ as interchangeable with DSD is coming from some advocates but that medical / allied health don’t feel they are directly interchangeable Although not related to sexual preference, Intersex fits into the LGBTI movement, which helps highlight issues… Senate committee suggested its use however hence now used at a political / govt level although fairly universal international agreement that no one term appeals to all!
What is important? There are a lot of terms that can describe differences in sex characteristics. There is no consensus. For some, there is no specific name that describes their variation. Online resources and information may use different terms, so it can be useful to search using different terms. Your preference counts! Tell your health professionals what term you prefer to use Ask your health professionals questions about terminology if you are unsure.