6Y 09-26-2016 Monday North American Societies Objective: Describe early societies of North America. Agenda: Prayer Do Now: page 15 # 1a, 1b, 1c Discuss Do Now Finish reading chapter 1.2 and take some notes Study Guide for Wednesday’s quiz Homework: Study for your quiz on Wednesday
6Y Seating Chart Jacob Emily Iliana Max Thomas Mari Nell Shaun Tessa Leo Zach Addie Will Clare B. Gianna Clare W. Noah Lauren Elli Aidan
Chapter 1 Section 2 Native American Cultures Anasazi: - lived in cliff dwellings for protections. Farmed maize (corn), beans, and squash Lived in the four corners region (Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah) Irrigation to get water to their farms. Skilled Basket makers Skilled potters They made multi-level houses (pueblos – above ground houses made of adobe (clay)). They lived in the ground before this (pit houses). At the center of each city was a kiva, their center for worship. They abandoned their villages around 1300 AD.
Hopewell Lived along the Mississippi, Ohio, and lower Missouri river valleys. (lots of trees and water) Traded and farmed and had many people They built large burial mounds to honor the dead Declined by AD 700 They were replaced by the Mississippians/Cahokians.
The Mississippians/ Cahokians Cahokia was their largest city and it was located near present day St. Louis, MO. Largest population was 30,000 people. Skilled farmers Built large settlements with a hundered temples and burial Burial mounds had flat tops with temple built on top Mounds were shaped like birds and snakes and were for religious ceremonies. Worshipped animal gods? Slowly died out and were gone by early 1700 AD.
Page 15 # 1 and 2 all 1A: The Anasazi built kivas for religious ceremonies. They were built at the center of the town so everyone can worship. The ceremonies focused on worshipping nature (rain and maize). 1B. The Anasazis built pit houses, cliff dwellings, and stacked pueblos. 1C. I think they built mounds in the shape of snakes and birds to honor nature. 2A. Culture areas are places where people live and it shapes their way of life. 2B. The people of the North and Northwest hunted large animals, fished, ate wild plants. The people of the West and Southwest hunted, farmed, gathered plants, and trapped small animals. 2C. The formation of the Iroquois League was important because it united different Native Americans and made them stronger.