Responding to Consumers – An Overview of Industry Actions
Outline of Presentation Background to the MMF Manufacturers general approach EMF background Our starting point Support for research, regulation and standards Efforts to improve communication Overview of manufacturers initiatives SAR reporting Conclusion
Background to the MMF International association of radio equipment manufacturers Representing around 80% of global handset sales; and The providers of the majority of global network infrastructure Association's focus: EMF and health With particular emphasis on supporting research Related areas of activity: standards and regulatory harmonisation and public communications
Why the controversy? EMF’s are intangible Issues of Choice vs. No Choice Confusion based on inaccurate media reporting on research Many effects are not repeatable, but they generate controversies and focus on single studies Confusion over ‘uncertainty’ Scientific Issues Inadequate attention to engineering and biological details
Common misunderstandings No single piece of research can provide a definitive answer Weight of evidence - all evidence considered as a whole Can’t prove a negative – i.e. there is no way to prove something does not cause effects
Overview of our response
Our Starting Point Independent Expert Reviews Website Reference National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB): 1993, 1999, 2004 - The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP): 1996, 1998 Royal Society of Canada: 1999, 2001 UK Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (IEGMP – Stewart Report): 2000 Health Council of the Netherlands: 2000, 2002, 2004 French Expert Group (‘Zmirou’): 2001,2003 - Spain – Campos electromagnéticos y salud pública (Comité de Expertos Independientes): 2001 German Commission for Radiation Protection (SSK) European Committee on Toxicology, Eco-toxicology and the Environment (CSTEE): 2001, 2002 Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI) 2002,2003 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority 2003
Why more research? A more complete scientific database leads to more definitive assessments by public health authorities which, in turn, increases public confidence in our products To accomplish this, the MMF's research program is focussed on addressing the recommendations of the WHO Research Agenda
Independence of Research MMF Research Principles WHO Agenda as framework Funding in co-operation with government or other third parties No more than 50% industry funding Independent project management Government research quality standards eg GLP All results are published in peer-reviewed journals
Regulatory & Standards Approach Support a regulatory approach that balances the science as well as the political, community and industry interests. Support adoption of ICNIRP exposure guidelines Emphasis on responsible communications and voluntary initiatives of industry in addition to science-based standards
10X reduction 50X reduction 10X Safety Margin 50X Safety Margin
Improving Communication Continual effort to review and improve industry communications Manufacturers own websites, MMF website Print and Web-based interactive media Development of public E-learning Modules Broad stakeholder engagement to identify and address issues at national level Organisation of media and political briefings with focus on independent advice
Example: SAR Reporting Industry responded to interest in obtaining SAR values for mobile phones. Global application, information available in product documentation and on web The result: around 300 million users now are automatically provided with SAR information.
Conclusions While the weight of science is clear - manufacturers strive to be open and responsive to consumer questions through: Supporting regulation and standards based on ICNIRP recommendations Supporting quality research that strengthens public health policy and public confidence Improving our communications that address community & consumer issues As a result, we believe that consumers can continue to enjoy the benefits that mobile telephony provides.
Further Information Michael Milligan Secretary General Mobile Manufacturers Forum Diamant Building, 80 Blvd. A. Reyers B-1030 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 2 706 8567 Fax: +32 2 706 8569 Mobile: +32 478 548 901. Email: