September Weekly: Monthly: REACH Class// Sunday’s// 10:15-11:15am During the Sunday School or Life Group hour we offer an interactive class that breaks down our focuses of Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In. We will be talking about REACH UP, and living lives of worship. Confirmation// Sunday’s// 1-2:30pm Meet in the classroom across from the Dock and discovery more about faith and the Methodist Church. Primarily geared to 6th graders. Blessing Class// Sunday’s// 1-2:30pm Parent of Confirmation students attend a 6 week class with Caroline focusing on leaving a blessing with our students. Open Dock// Wednesday’s// 3-5pm The youth area is open for students to come hang out. Bring $3 for pizza. Vibe Worship & Small Groups// Wednesday’s// 5:30-7:30pm Time for games, worship by the youth band, prayer time, a lesson on “Mosaic” from 1 Corinthians, and small groups by age and gender. Bible Breakfast// Thursday’s// 8am (Begins Sept 8) Meet at Chick-fil-a in Destin for breakfast (bring $), spend time in the word, and rides provided to DMS. Monthly: MIX 56//Friday// September 9// 6-8pm Spirit Night for 5th & 6th graders only REACH Night// Photo Scavenger Hunt Sunday// September 25// 6-8pm Manly Man September 10-11 & Waves Girls Conference October 14-15