The HCI is a process designed to transform churches The HCI is a process designed to transform churches. The focus is on providing Resources and Strategies to church pastors, staff, and laity, so that they in turn will be able to reach new people for Christ and become the church God needs them to be in their community.
Since the Fall of 2012 94 Pastors in Pastor Leadership Development Groups 221 Laity in Laity Leadership Development Groups 172 Laity in Small Church Initiative (under 80 in woship) 22 Pastors in Small Church Initiative
Is HCI Making a Difference? 2012 2013 Worship PF Brownwood, First 212 1 232 14 Ballinger 82 3 93 2 DeLeon 102 110 5 Waco, Central 231 10 263 21
NOW IS THE TIME To register Pastor Leadership Development Groups Laity Leadership Development Groups Small Church Initiative Visit the Center for Evangelism and Church Growth Display in the Welcome Center and pick up Information Sheets and Registration Forms.
Planting New Churches & Faith Communities The U.S. is the third largest mission field in the world! 80% of the population is unchurched or unsaved! To be faithful to the Great Commission To make a new generation of Disciples of Jesus Christ We must Start New Communities of Faith!
Planting New Churches and Faith Communities 2014 The Central Texas Conference Plants 4 New Unique Faith Communities
Planting New Churches and Faith Communities 3 Unique Beginnings 1709 Church, Southlake, Texas Pastor – Shea Reyenga
Planting New Churches and Faith Communities 4 Unique Beginnings Bracks Chapel & Mt Zion Churches Pastor – Bryan Dalco Vital Merger in Waco, Texas
Planting New Churches and Faith Communities 4 Unique Beginnings Hispanic Faith Community, Arlington, Texas Lay Missioners – Teresa Sims and Mary Martinez
Planting New Churches and Faith Communities 4 Unique Beginnings 2014 Path 1 Large Impact Church Residency First, Mansfield Rev. Jennifer Pick
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award Recognizing clergy, youth, and lay persons for outstanding service in evangelism Dr. Harry Denman “What a high calling is ours – we are evangels crusading for Christ” Harry Denman
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award -Clergy Award- Dr. Harry Denman Rev. Betsy Godbold Executive Pastor for Care and Spiritual Formation White’s Chapel United Methodist Church
The Harry Denman Evangelism Award -Clergy Award- Dr. Harry Denman Mr. Jimmy Adams First United Methodist Church, Arlington, Texas