Water Science-Policy Interface (CIS-SPI) Progress report EUROPEAN COMMISSION RESEARCH DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Directorate I – Environment Water Science-Policy Interface (CIS-SPI) Progress report Strategic Coordination Group – 12 May 2011 M.P. DUROT (FRANCE) M. SCHOUPPE (COM- DG RTD)
Progress report Nov 2010- May 2011 Task 1 Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups Task 2 Available research and research gaps Task 3 Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Report of the 1st SPI event disseminated in Dec 2010 Nomination of SPI correspondents in each CIS group confirmed (WGE, EG WSD, EG Agri) pending (WGA, WGC, WGF, EG Climate Change) Panorama of FP6- FP7 projects relevant to CIS research needs Online survey from 40 FP6- FP7 projects on available results relevant to CIS research needs In partnership with FP7 Waterdiss 2.0 project => Ongoing analysis: Results for the SCG in November Science-Policy Briefs (compiled on CIRCA and on ec.europa.eu) preparatory meetings for the 2nd SPI event in Autumn 2011
Joint Programming initiative on Water JPI = mobilise existing RDI programmes in EU MS to harmonise their research agendas and infrastructures, and develop synergistic joint activities Current JPI partners (14 MS) fund RDI activities for an estimated amount of 225 M€/yr, representing 61 % of the 371 M€/yr estimated for EU Member States and Associated Countries. Positive maturity assessment by the EC on 03/05/2011, EC recommendation expected before the end of 2011. JPI will provide science-based knowledge supporting a large number of EC Directives and National policies. To this end: on 14/04/2011, CIS-SPI was selected as one of the 6 members for the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG)
SPI activities planned May 2011- Nov 2011 Task 1 Inventory of research and implementation needs from CIS groups Task 2 Available research and research gaps Task 3 Improving transfer and usability of research outputs Update of research needs by CIS groups (SPI correspondents) from May 2011 to October 2011 Compiled list presented to the SCG meeting in November for prioritization Panorama of FP6-FP7 projects (continues) Joint water related FP projects meeting organised by DG RTD back to back with the SCG meeting (7th November) Science-policy briefs for National and EU projects (continues) 2nd SPI event on WFD implementation and the ecosystems services approach on 29-30 September 2011 Joint CIS-SPI and PSI-Connect workshop on good dissemination practices and instruments for water management (from EU to local scale) on 16-17 November
Joint water related FP projects meeting back to back with the SCG 1) Brainstorming meeting among scientists open to SCG members (7th November 2011) key research projects invited to provide background policy-relevant information Outputs: a snapshot of available results and research perspectives on CIS WG themes 2) Thematic presentations to be presented to the SCG (1h30 slot on the 8th November) covering relevant CIS working/expert groups (to be decided according to the project portfolio)
2nd SPI event: Socio-economic tools supporting the WFD Socio-economic tools supporting the WFD implementation: Possible contribution in the perspective of an ecosystem services approach Objectives: clarifying ecosystem services concepts in light of the WFD implementation ; helping participants to investigate how ecosystem services can be used and valued for integrated catchment management as well as for WFD implementation (RBMPs and POMs). Outcomes : a collection of tangible examples of the use of ecosystem services; recommendations that help water managers to implement the WFD = foundations for transfer to local water managers in 2012 Identification of knowledge gaps
2nd SPI event: Outline FIRST DAY (29 September -afternoon) Session 1: Keynote session on the use of ecosystem services for the implementation of the WFD, including: General introduction on the concept of ecosystem services, including inspiring examples for water management Possible uses and valuation methods for ecosystem services How can this approach be connected and used to reach WFD objectives? SECOND DAY (30 September –full day) Session 2: Three roundtables based on key implementation issues, within the following topics: Hydromorphology : management and restoration of good status Water quality : pollution management Quantity management : flood prevention and scarcity management Session 3: Integration and Conclusions Restitution of each roundtable Concluding remarks and perspectives (including re: blueprint), DG ENV
The SCG is invited to: take note of the SPI-related planned events in autumn 2011, in particular: 29-30 September 2011: “Ecosystem services and WFD”. The SCG is invited to take note of the Background paper for the event, submitted for information. 7 November 2011: Joint water related and policy relevant FP projects meeting. The SCG is invited to take part in the meeting. Results will be presented to the SCG on the 8th November (one and a half-hour slot in the SCG agenda)