INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Nadim Kyriakos-Saad, Senior Counsel Legal Department, International Monetary Fund Islamabad, March 30, 2005
PRINCIPAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Ratification and implementation of international instruments Mutual legal assistance for investigations, prosecutions and other proceedings relating to money laundering and terrorist financing Expeditious action in response to requests from foreign governments on freezing, seizing and confiscating proceeds of crime and terrorist property
PRINCIPAL ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION (Continued) Expeditious action for freezing without delay funds or assets of terrorists, those who finance terrorism and terrorist organizations in accordance with UN resolutions Extradition of money laundering and terrorist financing offenders Operational cooperation between competent authorities from different countries
Contact Information Nadim Kyriakos-Saad Senior Counsel Legal Department International Monetary Fund Washington DC 20431 Tel (202) 623 4286 Fax (202) 589 4286 Email