Maynard Ferguson “Gonna Fly Now”
Background Composer Bill Conti wrote an instrumental for the training montage in the first Rocky movie. He played it to his collaborators Carol Conners and Ayn Robbins at Carol's house. A few days later, Carol was taking a shower when the words "Gonna fly now..." came into her head, and thus the theme for the movie was made! Four different versions of this song made the Hot 100 in 1977. In June, a version by the Jazz musician Maynard Ferguson peaked at #28 just a week before Conti's hit the top spot!
A link to listen to Maynard Ferguson play “Gonna Fly Now!”
Here you can listen to the original version of the song that was used as the theme in the move Rocky.
In Maynard ferguson’s performance, his trumpet solo with searing UPPER RANGE notes and Strict articulations is the most memorable element.
Fame In 1977, Maynard Ferguson’s “Gonna Fly Now” hit the “top thirty” charts when the original version by Conti only hit the “top 100.”
ferguson Maynard was a Canadian born on May 4, 1928. Known for his ability to hit high notes flawlessly. Was inducted into the Down Beat Jazz Hall of Fame in 1992. Died only recently at the age of 78 on August 23, 2006.
Album “Gonna Fly Now” was released on the CD Conquistador His 9th album Gonna Fly Now was his most famous piece from this CD