Orientation Session for Board and PTAC Members
Presentation Agenda Legislative Structure Organizational Structure Board Overview Board Functions PTAC Overview PTAC Functions
Legislative Structure The Apprenticeship & Trades Qualifications Act Board By-laws General Regulation (Minister & Board with PTAC recommendations) Trade Regulations (Minister & Board) Other Regulations Fees & Appeals (Minister Only) Branch Policies Board & Branch Policies
Organizational Structure
Board Overview The Apprenticeship and Trades Qualification Board is a legislated and regulatory body in the apprenticeship training system. Comprised of a Chair and 12 members 5 members represent the interests of employees; 5 members represent the interests of employers; and 2 members represent the public interest. Members are appointed by the Minister of Competitive, Training and Trade. The Director is an ex-officio non-voting Member who is to act as secretary to the Board.
Board Functions To advise the Minister about: (a) The needs of the Manitoba labour market for skilled workers; (b) The training and certification of persons in designated trades; (c) Prescribing a schedule of fees that may be charged under the Act; (d) Any other matter about which the Minister requests advice.
Board Function Activity Review the Board Functions in the ACT (page 3 a-f). In your group discuss and record any questions you may have on the functions of the Board.
PTAC Overview Provincial Trade Advisory Committees (PTAC) are legislated and regulatory bodies that make recommendations to the Board. Regulated by the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act, the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications – General Regulation and the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Board By-Law No. 1. The Board should strive to appoint members with an optimum of broad-based industry employer and employee representation.
PTAC Functions PTAC make recommendations to the Board on: Trade designation Trade regulation content Compulsory certification Apprenticeship Training Requirements for certification Upgrading standards
PTAC Functions Activity Review the PTAC Functions in the ACT (pages 5 & 6 – item a - e) In your group discuss and record any questions you may have on the functions of the PTAC.
Visit our website at: www.gov.mb.ca/tradecareers Questions? Visit our website at: www.gov.mb.ca/tradecareers