Articles of Confederation


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Presentation transcript:

Articles of Confederation 1781-1787

What they disliked about England’s rule Taxation without Representation Large Central Government (monarchy) had all the power States always had to listen to the king All power was in the King’s hands. King could change the rules/laws any time

Articles of Confederation Confederation: Loose association of states “A firm league of friendship” Did not want strong central government National Government Lawmaking body: Congress One vote per state Preserve State Sovereignty States enforce laws, and interpret laws Post Revolutionary War able to work together for the common good

Weaknesses National Government lacked power Amending A.o.C unaniminous 9 of 13 to pass a law (not majority) No Executive Branch to enforce laws Including Tax Laws; fall into debt; inability to pay soldiers (national security) No national court system to interpret laws Amending A.o.C unaniminous Could not control trade between states or with foreign countries No common currency

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