CS 422: UI Design and Programming Mid-Term Review
Upcoming GR3 is due today. Midterm exam will be held next class, Tuesday, March 12. Midterm project presentations, Mar 14 – Mar 21 PS2 is due on Mar 21 We close for spring break!
Mid term exam Open notes Open web; beware of the Internet, not everything you see there is correct 50 minutes; we will start at 2:10 sharp. Exam will be provided online on Blackboard A mix of MCQ and short open-ended, problem-solving questions Syllabus: everything covered until the exam (slides and readings and lectures) except additional materials for 422D/422M and recommended readings. Total score: 100 points
Mid term project presentations: Overview Mar 14, Mar 19, and Mar 21. 6 groups per day. All group members MUST be present on the date of their presentation. Designate 2 or 3 members of your group for the mid-term presentation. The rest will need to present the final presentation. DO NOT divide the presentation among all 5 members of the group. Each group gets 10 minutes present. You will be cut off after that. I may ask questions after your presentation. Come early and check the setup. No additional time will be given to troubleshoot logistic issues.
Mid term project presentations: Content What to include? From problem space to results of GR3, ready to move in to computer prototyping. Problem space User analysis Scenarios Sketches What did you learn from them? Paper prototypes User testing
Mid term project presentations: Rubric Content (60%) Did you tell a good story? Did you tease out the UI design lessons learned from the work done in last 7 weeks? I want to see the design evolution of your project. Quality of work Quantity of work Presentation (30%) Quality of communication Quality of presentation Timeliness Flow of presentation Answering questions (10%)
A note on groupwork You MUST work in groups in the real world. Rarely, there is an option not to. Use this class to improve your groupwork skills. Two main issues: Not participating enough Strong-arming and discouraging others to participate. Neither will be tolerated and will be strictly penalized. If there is a problem, talk to me. You are NOT snitching; you are doing a favor to your peer and giving her/him a chance to change the bad behavior. Be proactive. I can’t chase 90 of you to find problems personally.
Mid Term Review
Thigs we have learned Usability basics UI prototyping Visual design Intro to Usability Learnability Efficiency Safety Accessibility UI prototyping User-centered design Prototyping UI software architecture Input Output Visual design Graphic Design Layout User testing Intro to user testing
Thigs we have learned Usability basics UI prototyping Visual design Intro to Usability Learnability Efficiency Safety Accessibility UI prototyping User-centered design Prototyping UI software architecture Input Output Visual design Graphic Design Layout User testing Intro to user testing
Usability basics How can we learn the difference between good and bad UI designs? A. System testing B. Usability testing
Usability basics How can we learn the difference between good and bad UI designs? A. System testing B. Usability testing
What is usability? Usability is how well users can use the system’s functionality. Usability is often as important as utility of an interactive system. Dimensions of usability: Learnability: is it easy to learn? Efficiency: once learned, is it fast to use? Safety: are errors few and recoverable? Usability dimensions vary in importance Notice that we can quantify all these measures of usability. Just as we can say algorithm X is faster than algorithm Y on some workload, we can say that interface X is more learnable, or more efficient, or more safe than interface Y for some set of tasks and some class of users, by designing an experiment that measures the two interfaces.
Learnability is a system utility. True False
Learnability is a system utility. True False
Usability Is Only One Attribute of a System Others, for example, are: Functionality Performance Cost Security Maintainability Usability Size Reliability Standards Marketability In this class, we’ll take an extreme position: usability will be our primary goal.
Software engineering is mainly about communicating with: Users Programmers Project Managers All of the above
Software engineering is mainly about communicating with: Users Programmers Project Managers All of the above
User Interface is about communicating with: Users Programmers Project Managers All of the above
User Interface is about communicating with: Users Programmers Project Managers All of the above
Usability problems are whose fault? Design’s Users’ Project Manager’s None of the above
Usability problems are whose fault? Design’s Users’ Project Manager’s None of the above
How do users learn new interfaces? Learning by Doing Users don’t start using a system to “learn” it. Users typically try to do what they want to do. They already have a goal in mind. And explore the interface to see if they can figure out how to do it. Users are more interested in achieving their goal than in learning your user interface. As a UI designer, your job is to clearly communicate how to use the UI and help the user achieve their first goal at the same time. any learning that happens will be secondary
Lessons for UI Designers Know the user’s goals when you design collecting information about that is a critical feature of the user-centered design process, which we will learn in a few weeks. User interface should communicate how it works and how to use it. The UI itself must communicate as clearly as possible how it’s supposed to be used, so that users can match their goals with appropriate actions in the system. How to match users’ goals? Stay tuned… Help must be searchable and goal-oriented. If we’re designing for the wrong goals, users are going to struggle to figure out how to do what they want in our system.
What is an Interface Metaphor? An interface metaphor is an analog to real world, something users are expected to be familiar with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_metaphor
Metaphor has roots in semiotics https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ab94/a77b591cf516f7b06fd39d033c53794db397.pdf
Comparison of Common Interaction Styles Usability command language menus and forms direct manipulation speech dialog Learnability requires significant learning much more information into the world information in the world via metaphors requires knowing what to say Error messages needs error messages rarely needs error messages Efficiency experts can be very efficient demands good shortcuts learnability over efficiency Experts can be very efficient User type expert users better for novices and infrequent users Synchrony synchronous asynchronous first the user types a complete command, then the system does it. DM, on the other hand, is asynchronous: the user can point the mouse anywhere and do anything at any time. DM interfaces are necessarily event driven.
What Interaction Style(s) is in use here? Speech Dialog Direct Manipulation Menus and Forms All of the above.
What Interaction Style(s) is in use here? Speech Dialog Direct Manipulation Menus and Forms All of the above.
Recognition vs. Recall Recognition: remembering with the help of a visual cue uses knowledge in the world Recall: remembering with no help uses knowledge in the head Recognition is much easier!
Conceptual Models: The three models of UI design The system model (sometimes called implementation model) is how the system actually works. The interface model (or manifest model) is the model that the system presents to the user through its user interface. The user model (or conceptual model) is how the user thinks the system works.
Pointing and Steering Tasks Linear menus Pie menus
Fitts’s Law Time T to move your hand to a target of size S at distance D away is: T = RT + MT = a + b log (D/S + 1) It’s a fundamental law of the human sensory-motor system, which has been replicated by numerous studies.
Implications of Fitts’s Law Targets at screen edge are easy to hit Mac menu bar beats Windows menu bar Unclickable margins are foolish According to one study, pie menus are 15-20% faster than linear menus (Callahan et al. “An empirical comparison of pie vs. linear menus,” CHI 1991).
Steering Task Index of difficulty is now linear, not logarithmic So steering is much harder than pointing Thus cascading submenus are hard to use It takes exponentially longer to hit a menu item on a cascading submenu than it would if you weren’t constrained to move down the tunnel to it. The Mac gets a Hall of Fame nod here: when a submenu opens, it provides an invisible triangular zone, spreading from the mouse to the submenu, in which the mouse pointer can move without losing the submenu.
What is a more difficult interaction (in terms of efficiency): pointing or steering? A. Pointing B. Steering
What is a more difficult interaction (in terms of efficiency): pointing or steering? A. Pointing B. Steering
Ways to increase UI efficiency Keyboard shortcuts Menu accelerators Defaults & Pending Delete
Defaults & Pending Delete defaults should be fragile; when you click on or Tab to a field containing a default value, it should be fully selected so that frequent users can replace it immediately by simply starting to type a new value. (This technique, where typing replaces the selection, is called pending delete. Fill in a form with defaults from history, by prediction Make the defaults fragile (pending delete mechanism)
Other form of shortcuts History Autocomplete Anticipation Aggregation
What is the missing step of human information processing here? Stimuli Action Memory Chunking
What is the missing step of human information processing here? Stimuli Action Memory Chunking
During taking an action, humans may do an error Human error ≠ System error Even if an interface is easy to learn and quick to use, it may produce more errors than intended. Hence we need to concern ourselves with safety of a UI.
Types of human errors Slip Lapse Mistake
Slip Slip is a failure of execution Failure to correctly execute a procedure Typically found in skilled behavior
What is skilled behavior? Learning digital painting in Illustrator Double mouse click to open a file Picking up a new programming language
What is skilled behavior? Learning digital painting in Illustrator Double mouse click to open a file Picking up a new programming language
Skilled Behavior Skilled behavior is an execution of procedures that the user has already learned. Slips and lapses found in skilled behavior. Slip: An error in executing a learned procedure is a slip. E.g., clicking before the mouse pointer is over a button. Lapse: A lapse is a failure of memory—for example, forgetting the overall goal, or forgetting where you are in the procedure. An error in execution of any learned procedure would be a slip.
Mistake A mistake is an error made in planning or rule application. One way of classifying cognitive behavior is into: skill-based (learned procedures), rule-based (application of learned if-then rules), and knowledge-based (problem solving, logic, experimentation, etc.) Mistakes are errors in rule-based or knowledge-based behavior
Digging deeper into error types
Impairments Impairments can be physical or cognitive. We’ll focus on physical impairments.
Impairments Visual impairments Hearing impairments Motor impairments Color perception Acuity (“legal blindness”) Total blindness Hearing impairments Often varies with frequency Motor impairments Tremor and spasms Muscle weakness and fatigue Paralysis
Situational disabilities Temporary conditions of ourselves or our environment that effectively cause impairment.
Which one is a situational disability? A. Color blindness B. Dyslexia C. Wearing non-touchscreen gloves on a snowy day D. All of the above
Which one is a situational disability? A. Color blindness B. Dyslexia C. Wearing non-touchscreen gloves on a snowy day D. All of the above
UI Prototyping: User-Centered Design User-Centered Design is all about knowing who are your users, what are your users’ goals what are your users’ abilities Intuitiveness of a UI depends on how much users can draw on what they can already do (ability) and what they already know (familiarity). It’s not a feature you build in a system.
User-Centered Design is iterative Invest in several iterations in our design process Make the early iterations as cheap as possible $ $$ $$$ The radial dimension of the spiral model corresponds to the cost of the iteration step - or, equivalently, its fidelity or accuracy. For example, an early implementation might be a paper sketch or mockup. It’s low fidelity, only a pale shadow of what it would look and behave like as interactive software. But it’s incredibly cheap to make, and we can evaluate it by showing it to users and asking them questions about it. $$$$
Iterate, iterate, iterate Early iterations use cheap prototypes Parallel design is feasible: build & test multiple prototypes to explore design alternatives Use richer implementations in later iterations, after UI risk has been mitigated More iterations generally mean better UI Only mature iterations are seen by the world (a.k.a users)
Do user analysis Also known as requirement gathering, establishing design requirements More focus on users that classical s/w design approaches E.g., saying “OMS users should all have touchtone phones” is stating a requirement on the system, not a characteristic of the existing users. Study real users. Observe Interview Survey Don’t just ask two of your friends. That’s NOT user analysis!
Concrete tasks vs. essential goals Don’t get bogged down in what users do now, rather focus on why they do it User X: “Save file to disk” User requirement: “Make sure my work is kept” Focus on the essential goals of the users concrete task essential task
Focus on essential goals during user analysis or the requirement gathering phase. True False
Focus on essential goals during user analysis or the requirement gathering phase. True False
Focus on essential goals during formative user testing. True False
Focus on essential goals during formative user testing. True False Focus on concrete tasks during user testing.
Needfinding is most relevant for which model(s) of UI design? System model Interface model User model All of the above
Needfinding is most relevant for which model(s) of UI design? System model Interface model User model All of the above
Prototyping is most relevant for which model(s) of UI design? System model Interface model User model All of the above
Prototyping is most relevant for which model(s) of UI design? System model Interface model User model All of the above
Design patterns A pattern is a reusable solution that can be applied to commonly occurring problems in software design. Patterns can provide generalized solutions which are documented in a fashion that doesn't require them to be tied to a specific problem. When taking a high-level look at the software architecture of GUI software, design patterns have proven most useful. Three of the most important patterns are model-view, view tree, and listener. https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/index.html
Design patterns The model-view abstraction, which has evolved somewhat since its original formulation in the early 80’s; The view tree, which is a central feature in the architecture of every important GUI toolkit; and The listener pattern, which is essential to decoupling the model from the view. Not the only ones… https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/index.html
DOM is an example of ___________ in GUI implementation. View Tree Listener Pattern Learnability Efficiency
DOM is an example of ___________ in GUI implementation. View Tree Listener Pattern Learnability Efficiency
View Tree Virtually every GUI system has some kind of view tree. The view tree is a powerful structuring idea, which is loaded with responsibilities in a typical GUI. Output GUIs change their output by mutating the view tree A redraw algorithm automatically redraws the affected views Input GUIs receive keyboard and mouse input by attaching listeners to views (more on this in a bit) Layout Automatic layout algorithm traverses the tree to calculate positions and sizes of views
DOM tree The backbone of an HTML document are tags. According to Document Object Model (DOM), every HTML-tag is an object. Nested tags are called “children” of the enclosing one. The text inside a tag it is an object as well. All these objects are accessible using JavaScript.
Listener Pattern Input handlers are associated with views Also called listeners, event handlers, subscribers, observers To handle mouse input, for example, we can attach a handler to the view that is called when the mouse is clicked on it.
JavaScript MV* Patterns Three common patterns MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVP (Model-View-Presenter) and MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) https://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/index.html#detailmvcmvp
GUI implementation approaches Procedural programming Declarative programming Direct manipulation
Procedural programming Code that says how to get what you want An explicit flow of control Put down block A. Put block B on block A. Put block C on block B.
Declarative programming Code that says what you want No explicit flow of control A tower of 3 blocks.
Direct Manipulation Creating what you want in a direct manipulation interface E.g., Draw, drag-and-drop, etc.
Next class Mid-Terms Good luck!