Startup Take out your Verbal and Visual Vocab. Development Worksheet and complete the boxes for Puritans, Jointstock Companies, and Headrights.
LEQ: What was the social, economic and political conditions of the Middle and Southern colonies?
A New Era of Colonization Restoration of English monarchy Peace within England
A New Era of Colonization King Charles II establishes proprietary colonies P.C.: grants of land to loyal friends.
Middle Colonies - Conflict Charles II gives his brother New Amsterdam New Am. is already controlled by the Dutch
Middle Colonies- Conflict English take over the town and it is renamed New York
Middle Colonies- New York A variety of people lived in New York: English Dutch Germans French Native Americans Enslaved Africans Germans 1874
Present day New York,+NY/@40.7681958,-73.9747674,11a,32.9y,158.36h,98.26t/data=!3m6!1e2!3m4!1s1390140!2e1!3e10!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c24fa5d33f083b:0xc80b8f06e177fe62!6m1!1e1
The Middle Colonies- Quakers Founded PA Father of William Penn given land by king Escaping persecution
The Middle Colonies- Society In states like PA, religious refugees will dominate society (think Amish)
The Middle Colonies- Economy The Breadbasket Ideal for producing grains Fertile soil allowed for farmers to have a surplus
The Middle Colonies- Political (Maryland) Refuge for persecuted Catholics Led by George Calvert Charles I grants Chesapeake Bay Colony will be called Maryland
Now Let’s See It! (3 min)
The Southern Colonies- The Carolinas (Political) Carolinas were land grants 8 men co-owned the Carolinas (Lord Proprietors)
The Southern Colonies- The Carolinas Southern Carolina established Charles Town Major port city Shipped indigo and rice Large plantations
The Southern Colonies- The Carolinas Northern Carolina had small farms 1729 the king divided the Carolinas
The Southern Colonies- Georgia James Oglethorpe founded Georgia as a buffer between the Carolinas and Florida (owned by Spanish)
The Southern Colonies- Economy The Plantation System Requires large # of workers Will contribute to the growth of slavery
The Southern Colonies- Social, Economic and Political Farming will dominate their society
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