2018 NRS FIA Management Team Meeting Batch EVALIDator – EVALIDator API December 11-12, 2018 — Manhattan, Kansas API by Pat Miles Presented by Scott Pugh FIADB Application Programming Interface (API) uses GET and POST commands to return info via HTML, XML or JSON https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/images/datamart_api_tutorials.html Batch EVALIDator reports using MS-Excel and API https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/datamart_excel.html Next steps
FIADB//EVALIDator Application Programming Interface (API) Documentation and Examples FIADB Application Programming Interfaces JAVA EVALIDator fullreportPost API POST request source code example JAVA EVALIDator fullreport API GET request source code example List of EVALIDator population estimates List of EVALIDator page, row, and column labels https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/images/datamart_api_tutorials.html FIADB Documentation Description and User Guide Population Estimation User Guide https://www.fia.fs.fed.us/library/database-documentation/
Running the EVALIDator using the fullreport API GET request (https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/images/datamart_api_tutorials.html) The fullreport request can return output in either HTML, JSON, or XML format. The following example returns forest land area estimates for a circular area centered at 45.0 degrees latitude and -93.0 degrees longitude with a radius of 50 miles. Information from the 2015 inventory of Minnesota (evaludation group 272015) and Wisconsin (evaluation group 552015) is used. Click on the hyperlink or copy the hyperlink and paste it in your browser's address line to submit the fullreport request. After several seconds a report of population estimates with associated sampling errors and the number or non-zero plots used to obtain the estimates will be returned. http://apps.fs.fed.us/Evalidator/rest/Evalidator/fullreport?reptype=Circle&lat=45.0&lon=-93.0&radius=50&snum=Area of forest land, in acres&sdenom=No denominator - just produce estimates&wc=272015,552015&pselected=None&rselected=State code&cselected=Stand-size class&ptime=Current&rtime=Current&ctime=Current&wf=&wnum= &wnumdenom= &FIAorRPA=FIADEF&outputFormat=HTML&estOnly=N&schemaName=FS_FIADB.&r1=&c1= This next example returns estimates of the area of forest land for Minnesota and Wisconsin by State and stand-size for the 2015 inventories. http://apps.fs.fed.us/Evalidator/rest/Evalidator/fullreport?reptype=State&lat=0&lon=0&radius=0&snum=Area of forest land, in acres&sdenom=No denominator - just produce estimates&wc=272015,552015&pselected=None&rselected=State code&cselected=Stand-size class&ptime=Current&rtime=Current&ctime=Current&wf=&wnum= &wnumdenom= &FIAorRPA=FIADEF&outputFormat=HTML&estOnly=N&schemaName=FS_FIADB.&r1=&c1=
Batch EVALIDator reports using MS-Excel and fullreport GET API (https://apps.fs.usda.gov/fia/datamart/images/datamart_api_tutorials.html) The EVALIDator fullreport API makes it possible to run multiple reports in batch mode. Multiple reports could be run for a single location, or a single report could be run for multiple locations. For example, in the first case it would be possible to generate a set of reports for a single national forest while in the second case volume estimates could be generated for many locations to help in the siting of a new sawmill. A standard set of reports have been created for each State and are available for downloading from Microsoft Excel 2013 workbooks containing many reports for the most recent State inventories. The reports have already been generated in these workbooks. If you would like to rerun the reports yourself you will have to set the "Trusted location" and "Enable macros" within the workbook in order for the "Query" button on the "Inputs" worksheet to work.
Next Steps GeoJSON output option to fullreport and fullreportPost API’s Chloropleth maps of counties, HUC’s, Congressional Districts, Ecosections, … E.g., forest area by congressional code for Minnesota and Wisconsin http://fsxopsx1432.wrk.fs.usda.gov:32768/Evalidator/rest/Evalidator/geojson?colList=plotgeom.statecd,plotgeom.congcd&attribute_nbr=3&whereStr=and%20PEG.EVAL_GRP%20IN%20(552015,272015)&table=CONGCD8265&threshold=0&tolerance=0.5&remove_loops=0 Estimator API Allows output by as many reporting variables as possible in FIADB I.e., output is not constrained to pages, rows and columns E.g., –Number of trees by diameter class, county, species and forest type http://fsxopsx1432.wrk.fs.usda.gov:32768/Evalidator/rest/Evalidator/estimator?colList=trunc(tree.dia),fs_fiadb.evalidatorfunctions.countycdlabel(plot.statecd,plot.countycd),fs_fiadb.evalidatorfunctions.spcdlabel(tree.spcd),fs_fiadb.cond.fortypcd &attribute_nbr=4&whereStr=and%20PEG.EVAL_GRP%20IN%20(092015,102015)&outputFormat=csv NUTS API for National Urban Tree Statistics (API for Urban EVALIDator) Difference Tester API Test for significant difference in estimates between two consecutive inventories
Difference Tester: Totals https://apps.fs.usda.gov/Evalidator/diftester.jsp Difference Tester: Ratios https://apps.fs.usda.gov/Evalidator/diftesterratio.jsp Reference Westfall, James A.; Pugh, Scott A.; Coulston, John W. 2013. Conducting tests for statistically significant differences using forest inventory data. Res. Pap. NRS-22. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 10 p. User Guide – In development