BEST IDEA CONTEST Capital Granite Bright Idea: “All Read Board” Peer to peer group
3. Weekly discussions are relevant, with informed decision making. What: EASY & EFFECTIVE FEEDBACK LOOP; Best & Cheapest Way to Reduce Rework!!!!. It is the Shop drawing that goes out with job, along with installation feedback form, ……………….installation discrepancies/notes and quality improvement ideas are written on the same Shop Drawing and submitted upon return to the plant. Who: QA & Install going out; All Department Managers Required Reading. Last person to read each week provides group summary discussion at weekly Manager’s Meeting. President, who reads day prior to meeting will summarize & present if all departments have reviewed it timely. Make it FUN! Where: Posted on clipboard in common hallway outside Install Manager’s office….the guy who receives the sheets from install crews. When: Posted daily (most recent posting on top) after job is completed, and signed off on by Department Managers on a ‘catch-can’ basis. Why: 1. Keeps ALL decision makers in the loop on jobsite issues, as the root cause may be with any department once the onion is peeled. 2. Timely. 3. Weekly discussions are relevant, with informed decision making. 4. Installers voice is being heard (always a complaint, real or perceived). 5. Problem solving is cross training of department managers. 6. Improves morale 7. A 4% rework rate (labor & product combined) cut in half through root cause analysis is worth $200K/yr to a $10MM plant Peer to peer group
Peer to peer group