Question 6
We used google as a starting point and mainly as a reference for the type of imagery that was typically used for this genre. When we were on google we looked at typical thriller posters. IMDb this was the main starting point for the research for our genre as this was where you would get a larger perspective for the genre by searching by clicking the advanced search for thrillers. Time out this was where we discovered the fuller extent of the thriller genres history. This also gave us a basis for the main directors for the genre. College VLE we used this to make sure that we were sticking to the guidelines to the filming basis. YouTube this was used to gather the inspiration for the for the main characters costume. BBFC we used this when looking at the age range guidelines for what was appropriate for each age range. And from there we worked out the age classification that was appropriate for our film. Prezi we used this to make our research presentations and evaluation presentations more interesting to view. Flip Camera when pitching our idea to the class we used a flip camera to record what our pitch. Quack Blog this was used to record all of our research and planning and evaluations.
PART 2 by Charlie Mohns Before filming our OTS we filmed a preliminary exercise. When filming the camera we used was a Cannon EOS 700D. Doing our preliminary exercise helped us get use to using this camera, it helped us become familiar with it and understand everything that is does before filming our OTS. When filming we checked that the exposure, white balance and focus where all perfect and didn't cause us to do whole reshoot just because we forgot to check and adjust it. The sound equipment we used was mainly the Cannon’s internal microphone and recorded some Foley sound using a . The soundtrack we used, we found it by looking on the non-copyright music website called The titles we chose were found on DaFont. The reason for choosing the two fonts used was because it suited our film genre and they also fitted into our OTS perfectly