Reconciling Aging With HIV
How Is the Epidemiology of HIV Changing in the Context of Aging?
People Living With Diagnosed HIV, 2015
Noncommunicable Comorbidities in PLWHIV ≥ 45 Years Old
POPPY Study: Effects of Aging on Clinical Outcomes of PLWHIV
Accelerated vs Accentuated Aging
Cardiovascular Risk Factors for PLWHIV
Shift in the Epidemiology of HIV-Associated Malignancy
Incidence of NADCs in PLWHIV > 65 Years Old
A Higher Rate of NADCs in Persons With AIDS
NADC-Related Mortality Is Increasing
Why a Shift Toward NADCs?
Global Burden of Disease: Trends in Age-Standardized Mean BMI
Higher Comorbidity Burden Results in Frailty
HIV and Malignancy: Drug-Drug Interaction (DDI) Considerations
Reducing the Burden of Polypharmacy
Risk Factors for Malignancy
Screening for NADMs: HCC
Screening for NADMs: Lung Cancer
Screening for NADMs: Anal Cancer
Liver-Related Diseases as a Primary Cause of Death in PLWHIV
Persistent Increase in HCC Despite HIV Control
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)