National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps Thomas Cunningham NAHERC Coordinator USDA APHIS EMD (301) 734-4933
National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps. NAHERC is part of the emergency response arm of USDA APHIS. The NAHERC can be utilized in response to an exotic disease outbreak and other disasters effecting livestock, poultry, companion animals, and wildlife assuring a decisive response to any potential animal health crises to protect both animals and people. NAHERC is part of the emergency response arm of USDA APHIS. The NAHERC can be utilized in response to an exotic disease outbreak and other disasters effecting livestock, poultry, companion animals, and wildlife assuring a decisive response to any potential animal health crises to protect both animals and people.
What is NAHERC? In 2001, APHIS established NAHERC to respond to exotic disease outbreaks and other disasters that affect livestock, poultry, companion animals, wildlife, and food defense. More veterinarians and animal health technicians are urgently needed to assure a decisive response to any potential animal health crisis (all-hazard) or food defense action. NAHERC is a salaried emergency response agency When an animal health emergency occurs APHIS will look to NAHERC to help meet critical staffing surge & sustainment needs during such an emergency. NAHERC is a salaried emergency response agency; If deployed NAHERC will provide salary, OT, travel, housing, per diem, workman’s comp as a temp. federal employee.
NAHERC Deployments: 145 deployed to the UK in 2001. 2001 FMD in UK sent 145 veterinarians and technicians
71 deployed to the Low Pathogen Avian Influenza Task Force in Virginia, in 2002. 2002 LPAI in Virginia received 71 NAHERC staff
340 NAHERC personnel deployed to the Exotic Newcastle Disease outbreak in California in 2003. 340 to the 2003 Newcastle outbreak California
NAHERC Role: - SURGE To supplement State and Federal veterinarians - SUSTAINMENT Phased deployment of NAHERC staff to the incident scene for the duration until demobilization occurs SURGE: Will begin forming the NVTF (National Veterinary task Force) in June 2009. The NVTF will consist of approx. 100 veterinarians and technicians able to leave their residence in 72 hours.
NAHERC Projected Needs: Estimates place the number of non-State or Federal VMOs needed, in the event of a wide scale FMD outbreak in the US, at between 1,000 and 6,000 1,214 individuals have officially applied on the USAJOBS website since June 2007 791 NAHERC members have qualified for deployment – 5/09 337 VMO’s 454 AHT’s
NAHERC Recruitment: Veterinarians in Private Practice, industry & Universities Veterinarians Semi & Retired Veterinarian Technicians Veterinarian Students
NAHERC Positions: VMO’s: Veterinary Medical Officers. A valid veterinary diploma is required. Accreditation or active state license is not currently required. AHT’s: Animal Health Technicians. Diploma or certification required. Veterinary Students may be hired to AHT positions under the Student Temporary Appointment authority.
Future: ISU training site (NAHERC only) Establishment of the NVTF Forming FEMA regional teams Continue national veterinary recruitment Establish of veterinary University teams Continued participation with animal health emergency management agencies and groups ISU training site is operational and training is currently under development NVTF-will start up in June 2009 Break NAHERC staff into FEMA regional teams
To learn more or to apply: To learn more go to: To apply go to: Click on : “Search Jobs” Insert “NAHERC” in “Keyword search” box Follow the instructions on the announcement
Thomas Cunningham Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U. S Thomas Cunningham Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture 301.734.4933