Get out Brave New World & Packet


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Presentation transcript:

Get out Brave New World & Packet Pick a partner & a strip of paper, and MAKE A HYPNOPAEDIC BUMPER STICKER! (With your partner, come up with a hypnopaedic phrase that would fit modern American society. Consider people’s trained behaviors—what do we seem like we’re trained to do?) Welcome to class! Create a BUMPER STICKER with your hypnopaedic phrase. Make it colorful Write your names on the back These are going on the wall!

Tuesday, April 09, 2019 What am I learning today? Language – Learning Goal: Demonstrate the correct use of vocabulary and grammar in my writing. (ELACC12L1-6) Reading – Learning Goal: Brave New World: Identify evidence of literary techniques and structures as a basis for interpreting the literature. Evaluate Huxley's futuristic community of England. Synthesize my thoughts about individual freedoms and beliefs connecting to themes in the dystopian novel Brave New World. Evaluate Huxley’s message to the reader through the use of the literary element of satire. (ELACC12RL1, 2, 7, 10; ELACC12SL2; ELACC12RI7, 10) What am I going to do today? Bellwork: Chapter 2 Review – Hypnopaedic Bumper Stickers VOTE FOR TITLE! Read Chapter 3 – part 1 independently (up until “Freedom to be a round peg in a square hole”) Complete graphic organizer Time to work on Modest Proposal Satires, due tomorrow! What will I do to show I learned it? Compare/Contrast this futuristic community with our own. (formative assessment) Compose higher level questions (formative assessment) using Bloom’s verbs to use in Socratic Seminar (summative assessment).

Pg. 30 Chapter 3 Complete the handout! Independent reading Pg. 30 Chapter 3 Complete the handout!

Keeping track of questions

Writing Satire